I wanna be the OMAECHAN

Creator: sorariku98

Average Rating
6.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
87.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Avoidance (2) Trap (1) Gimmick (1) Boss (1) Long (1) mouse_controls (1) Minecraft (1) Gradius (1)


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3 Reviews:

This game is very long and very mixed in terms of quality. It is heavily Minecraft-themed and apparently based on or at least dedicated to a server sorariku played on with a bunch of friends. It starts off very easy and has many cameos of those friends and uses screenshots from builds on the server as backgrounds. However, OMAECHAN gets progressively harder at a highly exponential rate, and the maker stage rush has some really rough platforming and bosses. There's the "target boss" which I'd consider the second-worst boss in the game but also a pretty unique avoidance that I'd consider the second-best part. The platforming gets notably harder after that in stage 5, being full of disgusting jumps while dealing with touch saves, and there's one specific save that's v-align based and essentially becomes luck thanks to those saves. The Gradius section that follows is actually quite fun and easily my favorite thing in the game, making use of mouse controls and having a boss with neat and varied attacks after a minute-long enemy gauntlet (do note that there may be issues with visibility thanks to weird parallax and black cherries on a dark background). However, I sure can't recommend playing through the rest of the game to reach that point, and past that stage it gets much worse thanks to the final boss.

It's hard to give a proper review for the final boss, but I will say that it is apparently the one thing in the game that sorariku decided needed nerfing from its original state, and all he did to nerf it (according to the readme) was add a savepoint approximately halfway through. The first section is definitely beatable despite some rough attacks, but several parts in the second section look unreasonable or unfun enough that I did not want to dedicate the amount of time I assumed they would take to get through. I won't give OMAECHAN any difficulty rating because of this, but just from looking at the final boss, I'd probably place the game somewhere in the high 80's.

I sure cannot recommend this game, and it is very much a testament to the horrifying things sorariku is capable of when he shows minimal-to-no restraint in regards to difficulty (and also his love for K3).

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss Long mouse_controls Minecraft Gradius
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