I wanna get Rekt

Creators: Tehjman1993, Klazen108

Average Rating
9.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
65.0 / 100
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Adventure (5) Needle (2) Avoidance (6) Gimmick (1) Medley (18) Boss (17) Special (1) Long (8) Story (1) Crimson (1) Meme (2) Dice (2) NoLevel (1) Rhythm (1) SourPls (2)


  • by Bob
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  • by NightShark115
  • by Anonymous
  • by Dezer_X
  • by NightShark115
  • by Anonymous
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob

56 Reviews:

I wanna get rekt is a boss medley. The game has great music and visuals. The bosses are awesome and the difficulty balancing is exceptional. There are unlockable achievements and hats wich i really like. The game also has great humor. There is no way i can't give this game a 10/10.

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Tagged as: Medley Boss
[6] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
Jul 29, 2015
Awesome medley game that takes bosses from other games, rather than the platforming. These bosses are quite different, some of them being more pattern-heavy, some relying on RNG, some using gimmicks, some are avoidances, and the list goes on. This is really nice, because this way the game doesn't feel repetitive at all, which is something that really kills a boss rush game. On the other hand, however, many players might not like some of the bosses in the game (For me, it would happen to be Meteor Stream. I'm glad that it was nerfed, but it was still boring as hell). After all, when there are so many different bosses, there's a huge chance that at least one of them will be tedious/annoying/displeasing for you. Don't let that stop you from enjoying the other bosses!
At the end of the first three stages, there's a platforming segment that is either, taken from another fangame (Stages 1 and 2) or based on another fangame (Stage 3). I missed them on the other stages, but I guess that they wouldn't really make much sense there, so it's alright.
Obviously, there are some original bosses in the end. They are quite interesting, and very well-made (Mainly the two last ones, the gimmick used in Klazen's second phase makes the battle really strategic, and The True Mastermind is an amazing avoidance that basically does everything right).
The game also has a storyline, or at least seems to have one. It's not really the most well-made storyline I've ever seen (Too confusing, and lacks content at some points), though, but there is a really interesting plot twist (Somewhat predictable, but still interesting).
Sadly, the difficulty curve feels more than just a bit off at some points, which is even more troublesome in a medley game, but that's pretty much the only really bad thing in the game.
Overall, it's a really amazing medley game with lots of unique stuff. Highly recommended to anyone.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Medley Boss Dice
[6] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 62 62
Feb 9, 2015
I first tried playing Rekt back in 2016 when I was brand new to fangames. I didn't get past the second boss because my natural skill at these games are super low and every stride I have made with playing is by virtue of the amount of hours I've played them as opposed to any innate abilities. I did watch a playthrough of the game though and I was enamored with everything. Rekt to me symbolized what the Western fangame community was like more than anything. It represented the community's unhinged humor, their close bonds, and it showed me who was seen as a culturally important person.

When I started playing fangames, I was desperately looking for a way to fit in and become someone people talked about positively. There was just one problem. I was 16 and both socially and emotionally stunted. I found people who I could talk with and enjoy the company of, but others in the community definitely found me annoying. I remember being invited into certain discord servers years later and then name-searching myself only to find that people were talking about how a was a *lot* to deal with. I would never get to be someone who would be respected enough to be referenced in a theoretical Rekt 2. I lashed out at people and was extremely immature because I thought I would never get what I wanted. Because obviously the solution to getting respect is to be an asshole towards people you want respect from. I did this less as time went on but I still definitely lashed out on occasion. Reaping what I sow and all that. Over time my role in fangames became just another guy who played them and had opinions.

Playing Rekt in 2023 is so interesting now because both the community and me are so fundamentally different that it's a time capsule of sorts. Most people referenced in the save messages and stage 4 either don't play fangames anymore or have a fundamentally different relationship with them. The sort of twitch/forum culture is still a part of fangames, but its presence is greatly diminished in the modern era. The window for me to get the respect and friendships of these people that I saw and admired was long gone. I think playing Rekt though, I made peace with that. I found lifelong friends through fangames, changed my philosophy, and grew into an adult through them. I learned at least a little bit about how to appreciate what I have and what's around me. Obviously I still have a lot of learning to do. I will inevitably make people upset, or be a dick again, or make a big deal out of something extremely unimportant, but I will try to be better.

What does this have to do with Rekt? Not much honestly, but to me, Rekt is a time capsule of a bygone era of fangames. An era before people really figured out what they were doing; where everything was in many ways simpler. You can't make a game like Rekt again. I don't mean that you can't make a boss medley or a game celebrating fangame culture again. I mean you cannot make something that has the same atmosphere, because the times are just so different.

Rekt is a pretty cool boss medley, with most of them being pretty fun and some being kinda bad, but there is no other game like it, and that's what I love about it.

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[5] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 25, 2023
A fan-fucking-tastic game. Loved every bit of it, from when i was bad, taking 8 hours to reach stage 4 in testing, to the release, when I beat dice. Amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.

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Tagged as: Medley Boss
[5] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 12, 2015
One of the first fangames I ever downloaded and over time has grown to be one of my favorites. Many others have already explained it, but instead of being your usual fangame it's a medley of pure boss-rush. Hugely fun if you are a fan of bosses. Shame that it's gone private and more people can't enjoy this due to a few jerks going full REE and hating on it for not being your typical fangame. Regardless, if you can find a copy of it, you should definitely play it.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 61 61
Jul 20, 2019