I wanna be the Ultimatum!

Creator: Matt_and_Kyle

Average Rating
2.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.6 / 100
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Adventure (5) Needle (2) Trap (5) Gimmick (4) Boss (5) Horror (1) John_Madden (2) NFL (1)


  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by Anonymous
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG

11 Reviews:

Proabably left best in the Vaults. But some Good levele design nonetheles

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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 78 78
Nov 21, 2015
Terrible through and through. Everything after the first 2 stages is complete garbage, and really you should only play this game for John Madden. Don't.


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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 23, 2019
Ancient adventure game with some nice ideas. I didn't have a lot of problems with the first half of the game except that I almost softlocked myself on a save in the sky area. Second half of the game which starts at the mouse area had really stupid game design. The mouse area is tedious, especially the screen with the Ninja Gaiden background and the screen afterwards which can kill you when you enter that screen for some reason. The Operation Boss (which creeped me out as a kid) gets really annoying once you have to move the player into his body and have to get out while the screen keeps going up and down. The second phase's spike attack was pretty cool though. The Duck Hunt stage was way too frustrating and the ducks can seemingly kill you out of nowhere if you don't know where to stand, but it's the same pattern every time. The Pokemon stage was fairly simple with the exception of that diagonal jump towards the end. After that you have a short Kirby stage where you have to do this needle segment before you can fight the boss and it doesn't save inbetween when you die.

I can see why people think this has poorly aged. Only recommend if you want a nostalgia trip.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick Boss Horror
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 16, 2019
If you ever go kayin forum spelunking on the wayback machine (like I do from time to time), you may see a sentiment pop up often (mostly during the early days; i.e. mid-2008 to early-2010) that goes like "fangame, tribute and ultimatum are da bestest fangays evar and everyting else is stinky doo doo" (I'm exaggerating but you get my point)

I find this funny in contrast to nowadays, where of those "golden" three, only Fangame is considered good.

I wanna be the Ultimatum is a horrible, terrible, no-good fangame with one or two good ideas but mostly horrible trap-filled platforming along with agonizing gimmicks done in the worst way possible.

Don't play it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss John_Madden
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Rating: 0.9 9       Difficulty: 66 66
Feb 27, 2024
i hate the mouse part.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Boss
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 56 56
Apr 25, 2023