I wanna be the Natural

Creator: aqua

Average Rating
3.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.0 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (1) Trap (3) Gimmick (1) Boss (2) Trigger (1)


  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob

4 Reviews:

this game should be played on easy, and only on easy. i made the grave mistake of playing it on medium and had a horrendous time with it. the game doesn’t get much better even if you do play on a lower difficulty, it just becomes marginally less painful to endure.

the game puts you in a false sense of security by posing as a sort of “beginner-friendly” game, by having a tutorial be the first stage, essentially introducing you to the common fangame stuff (common needle, traps, vines, water, gravity, etc). the game is filled with a ton of traps that often don’t make too much sense or are quite annoying to dodge. that, combined with rather puzzling platforming makes a really awkward experience throughout. the cloud/sky stage is filled with stuff like this, and an additional rising platform section that is quite odd.

the game sort of stays the same quality (very poor) until the first boss, which was honestly surprising. surprising how anyone can design a boss this horrendously made. what even is this meant to be?? what is it meant to do?? what is the strat supposed to be?? oh and btw there’s a random instagib at about 2hp which is quite hard to dodge given the movement limitations imposed by the fuckass patterns of the boss.

after this the game takes a hard nosedive straight into the flaming depths of tartarus, where the shitness simply explodes. every single room becomes super unfun, annoying and poorly designed. second to last area and the last area are by far the worst content in the game. unfun gimmicks combined with more unfun limitations make these stages almost unbearable (keep in mind, the saves are twice as long on medium, so you might be able to play on easy and still somewhat enjoy this game).
to give an example of this stupid gimmick-compounding, take a look at the last stage’s platforming. all the areas in the last stage are based around a gimmick introduced in the second to last stage: a cherry moves between two blocks, once it hits one the given gimmick is active, and when it hits the other it becomes inactive. this can either be a spike cycle, or the hope the classic - being unable to move. this on its own isn’t very fun and gets annoying after playing it for a bit, but how about this: you can’t even see the cherry that toggles the gimmick on and off! that’s the sort of shit i’m talking about when i say “annoying gimmick” in this review.

there’s also a boss rush room that just kinda exists, it’s three rooms that resemble bosses but don’t make sense to be categorized as bosses. a mashing exercise, a memory game and a timing game. the memory game i find funny since it’s basically just: here’s one cherry, then close your eyes, where is it now in this mess of about a zillion other identical looking cherries? oh and there’s also a time limit. the other 2 bosses there are just awkward at best.

the final boss is underwhelming as hell and you just kinda mash and it dies. fitting boss, as the whole game is about as disappointing and insulting. total unfiltered AIDSfest with seemingly always no end in sight. avoid this one, i’d recommend

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Boss
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Rating: 1.2 12       Difficulty: 66 66
Jun 25, 2024
Pretty bad trigger game. Gameplay is boring and the visuals suck.

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Tagged as: Trigger
[0] Likes
Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 10, 2015
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 53 53
Jan 13, 2021
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 4.9 49       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 21, 2016