Jingle Jam

Creators: Patrickgh3, Pieceofcheese87, AlejoFangamer, Aolan, Artimax, Asza, Chrisay, Desticler, dono, EchoMask, Haegoe, KittyGame, Kiyoshi, Lovey, Lss, Mastermaxify, MegaKid, Mr.Butterfingers, RandomErik, shign, WetWookie, Zebbe, Gwiz609

Average Rating
8.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.5 / 100
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Adventure (10) Needle (13) Avoidance (12) Trap (9) Gimmick (14) Boss (14) Special (5) Taisa (2) Minigame (1) Collab (16) Barrage (1) Destination (1) x-mas (1) Spike (1) Christmas (2) what (2) mostExpensive (1) xmas (1) Advent (1) Magic_Tower (2) Cycle (1) Nasrano-podarkami-like (1)


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Creator's Comments:

Bob [Creator]
This is a collab game made by 20 people over the course of several months.
Keep in mind that any ratings made before Dec. 24th will not reflect the entire game.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Special Collab
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 5, 2019

62 Reviews:

I take pride in reviewing games before it's possible to play more than 5% of it, so here I go:

This is simply the best menu I've ever seen. You input a code every day to get a new stage to play. And let me tell you, from the first stage alone I can already tell that this is a 10. I don't need to, and I refuse to play the rest as it comes out, because I already know this is the kind of quality our community frequently puts out. Great job, everyone.

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Tagged as: what
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 5, 2019
Saying this right away: I played the stages as they were being released during the advent calendar event. Therefore, some of the things I complain about in the review are already fixed. For example, vines are properly taught in Lovey's stage, and the enemy which shall not be named was removed from Alejo's stage. I won't replay the game just to edit the review though.

Mr. Butterfingers & Aolan - It's a good first stage. Simple platforming with a simple gimmick. The boss, however, was a bit worse - its attacks are affected too much by RNG. It gets easier when you find out that most attacks will fly over you if you stay close to the boss, and apparently it only attacks when you do which is barely noticeable to be honest. In the end, it got me excited to play future stages.
Quality: 6/10
Difficulty: 25/100

Patrick - Did on advanced difficulty. It's an avoidance inside of a snow globe. It's fun, not much else to say. Also, you HAD to put a disco ball attack there, didn't you?
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 25/100

EchoMask - A bit of a spike in difficulty. Uses plenty of different gimmicks that are all easy to understand. The avoidance at the end is okay, it's nice that you give players 2 hp, and the song is good.
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 35/100

KittyGame - Short, but nice. I'm not a fan of ice physics but it was bound to be here and it's just a minor inconvenience. Doors that open when all ice is cracked is an interesting concept. The flying debris section wasn't too bad. The boss is fun once you learn that you can go through the green spike.
Quality: 8/10
Difficulty: 30/100

AlejoFangamer - Living proof that too many gimmicks can make it less fun. The star enemy just made the stage more annoying because it's basically a trap that kills you once and you immediately know how to dodge it but lost progress. That being said, I like all the gimmicks introduced, and aside from the star all enemies were good. Thank god the stage is so short, otherwise my overall opinion would be negative.
Quality: 7/10
Difficulty: 30/100

Lovey: The puzzle stage. Visuals could've been way better, the stage is at times unpleasant to look at and walljumps can be difficult to see. Expect to spend several minutes on each screen simply figuring out the solution, if you're into that you will love the stage. The "boss" was really interesting and fit the theme of the stage.
Quality: 8/10
Difficulty: 40/100

Haegoe: It's a very short stage with a fun payload gimmick. However, I have a major complaint for the final screen: Could you put the warp in a more obvious place? I thought I had to go all the way back while the warp was right under my feet. Also, the boss can easily corner you by either spamming the spinning kick attack or performing his sky attack while too many death blocks are falling. Nevertheless, this stage shouldn't take too long and it doesn't outstay its welcome.
Quality: 7/10
Difficulty: 30/100

Piece: I seriously love this stage. The first half has you carefully use presents as platforms and/or extra jumps, while second half is about spamming the presents and being careful to not feed the presents to the monsters. It's much more fun than it sounds. The boss is an old friend returning to fight you once more, and he's the hardest boss so far with 4 phases and a unique way to be damaged. I'm glad Piece decided to finish this stage because it's a really welcome addition to this collab.
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 40/100

Desticler: I made this. I'll give it ratings but they won't be included in final score.
Quality: 7/10
Difficulty: 30/100

Chrisay: First of all, I think it was a weird choice of organizers to put both scavenger hunt levels (Mine and Chrisay's) right next to each other, but whatever. Anyway, THIS STAGE IS AMAZING. The production is over the top and the gimmicks are so much fun! The main gimmick is sliding down slopes like in Super Mario World, but there are 3 other gimmicks: a floaty jump refresher, a wind field, and a tree you can teleport to by shooting it. Your goal is to collect at least 15 presents out of 20. 11 of them are hidden in the world, while 3 big presents each worth 3 presents are inside of challenge trials which put your knowledge of the 3 extra gimmicks to the test. It's just really fun to explore, and none of the presents are super well hidden so anyone can get all 20 as long as they're skilled enough. My only problem is the last save of teleport trees' challenge trial: You aren't told anywhere before that touching the ground for a few frames and jumping off asap causes you to keep momentum (I lost count of how many people needed help to figure it out), but actually executing it is even harder. This is way harder than any other save in the stage. Other than that, this is a masterpiece.
Quality: 10/10
Difficulty: 40/100 (45/100 for 100%)

Mega Kid: The stage begins with an intro cutscene that makes it clear that the stage is The Kid's dream about Christmas. Then we have a short platforming area where each save has a unique gimmick. It's mostly fine except the RNG green cane - would be fine if you didn't have to get this close to it 2 times - and the last save - F jump with ice physics? Followed by another hard jump? Followed by an unnecessary trap? Why? Then we have 3 minigames. In the first minigame you have to find 10 presents in a maze in a time limit while the camera is extremely zoomed in - you can do it first try if you know what you're doing. Second minigame is a quiz - It's mostly good except the second question. I knew the solution the moment I saw the question, but I can see many people getting stuck here; and if they have a wrong keyboard they might have to brute force through this. Third minigame is a card match game. It's okay, I just wish you had actual pictures on cards instead of... colors. Then there's the boss. I like the touhou controls, and attacks are mostly the perfect package, but the last attack can go to hell.
Quality: 8/10
Difficulty: 35/100

Mastermaxify: A boss that everyone gets hyped for when they see the title screen, 鐘の大佐 (Colonel of the Bells). Really, my only complaint is the boring intro, the rest is amazing.
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 40/100

RandomErik: Erik is such a good dev I swear. I literally have no complaints about this stage. Absolutely none. It's a perfect short Erik-style adventure.
Quality: 10/10
Difficulty: 35/100

Zebbe: Not my cup of tea, but nice. I loved the final room especially. Disappearing block traps though are way too common.
Quality: 7/10
Difficulty: 25/100

Artimax: Proof that even short and basic stages can be fun. The candy cane gimmick is cool. Although there is one jump that is way harder than the rest of the platforming and is at the end of the save, and the boss's attacks are too different difficulty-wise meaning he can be either free or hard depending on attack order. I originally wondered why it was this late in the game... Then I saw the next stage.
Quality: 7/10
Difficulty: 25/100

shign and dono: Holy... Ok, so let me quickly say this stage's review is based off version 1.1. Next version came out the same day and nerfed this stage. Therefore, this stage will not be included in the final score due to this stage review being outdated the day I wrote it. Also, shign made it clear he accidentally sent the worse version into jingle jam, and both devs said they were inexperienced, so just know this review is aimed at the stage, not the people who made it. Ok, so as I was saying, THIS STAGE IS SO BAD. First of all, this is a huge difficulty spike. Second of all, it is way too long for a simple "needle with collectibles" stage - it took me over an hour. If the stage was just the first half or just the maze at the end, it would be just the right length and would not overstay its welcome. Also, apparently this stage was twice longer in early access and organizers cut out a lot of stuff, thank god they did. Third of all, the maze at the end is just not fun. Maybe it's because I tend to avoid fangames with grindy needle, but I hated grinding every save to the point of me ragequitting for a few hours. This was the first stage in this game that made me ragequit for a few hours and the first stage where I had no fun. In conclusion, I would like to repeat I know the devs sent the wrong version and as I am writing this the right version is already in the game. However, my opinion of the stage was already ruined and I will not bother replaying it.
Quality: 4/10
Difficulty: 60/100

Asza: Insert Jingle Bells lyrics here. This stage feels like a well-deserved break after the previous stage. It's basically an autorunner with some gimmicks that were included by default in NANE, it starts out easy but last 3 screens are definitely somewhat of a challenge. The boss is amazing.
Quality: 8/10
Difficulty: 35/100

Kiyoshi: I was actually afraid of this stage because it's been a long time since I played a trap game, but it actually ended up reminding me why I ever played trap games. This is one of the best trap stages I've ever seen, it's IWBP quality. For every annoying trap that took too long there was a trap that you only fall for once that really makes you smile. 3rd screen is too long though, and the final save before the boss had too many traps to the point where I started forgetting them. The boss is amazing, only minor complaint is purple attack can be too hard depending on which attack came right before it. The boss took me half an hour but I enjoyed every minute of it.
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 50/100

WetWookie: Finally, a stage with some meaningful story. Added an extra point in quality just for that. The platforming part is nice, only complaint is that one jump on 4th screen near the end - what's with this collab and having short segments way harder than the rest of the stage? The boss was very good, no complaints. Also, weird song choice for a Christmas game. Also the visuals got repetitive for me towards the end.
Quality: 9/10
Difficulty: 40/100

Lss: I was excited for this stage the moment first screenshots of it were posted in #progress-showcase. I think plenty of people know I consider NAMTG to be the hardest game I ever beat, and I seriously don't want to go above the difficulty that NAMTG was. So it's a very special game for me. No joke, a magic tower stage existing in this game is one of the reasons I made a stage for this collab. I really wanted to have my name in a game with a magic tower.
It's, of course, the hardest stage in the game (unless you count pre-nerf shign&dono stage but we don't talk about that), but it's also the longest. It took me 2 whole hours, and that's including the fact I playtested it before so I knew what was the best way to progress up until the last room where I originally quit, but let's not get into that.
The "tower" (more like a dungeon to be honest) is actually incredibly small when compared to NAMTG. This is a very good thing though, not only because it makes the stage fit more into a collab game, but also because it makes it very replayable. (Actually, expect me to compare this stage to NAMTG a lot saying how it did many things better) NAMTG is a game where I saw no replay value aside from the gallery, but this stage, as stated above, is very replayable in my opinion.
Every enemy is well-designed. You're often forced to fight them with low attack stat on the first encounter, which is a very good idea because it makes every first encounter with a new enemy feel like a boss battle.
You know what? I'll review every enemy. They deserve such treatment.
Snowman: Ok I actually really hate this enemy. It's a bad first impression. Takes too long to kill, his falling snowball can be very difficult to dodge, and he kills you in one hit no matter what (on your first encounter). It's honestly unfortunate that this happened.
Bellzebub: This. THIS should have been the first enemy. It's not that difficult to dodge, easy to understand, and no RNG is involved.
Special Snowflake: Kinda reminds me of Steel from NAMTG, maybe that's intended. Mostly no complaints, I just dislike the randomness of the projectiles that spawn from his lasers right before he's about to loop his attacks.
Ice Elemental: It's okay. I like how the first attack is completely scripted, but after that it becomes a bit dull.
Gingerbread FASF: This name is great. First attack can be chaotic if you're unlucky but most of the time it's easier than it seems. Second attack is okay, not much to say. Final attack is good, and it's good that it's scripted, but I think that on the first encounter it drags on for way too long.
Christmas Tree: It's technically a miniboss. I love how it gets harder the more progress you make, and you know exactly what attacks will get added to its arsenal when you """damage""" it. The star attack is also very satisfying to dodge.
Elf: Rather an annoying enemy actually. He thankfully dies quickly, but in the short time that you do fight him expect to fight against chaos itself.
Angel: This is in my opinion the hardest of the normal enemies. The next enemy is simply long but I'm getting ahead of myself. First phase isn't too bad, the difficulty is just right for an enemy you first encounter in the final room, but once you can infinite jump it becomes pretty chaotic. Let me just say this, after I got enough attack to kill angels in 4 hits, I literally started laughing out loud because it was so satisfying to completely annihilate an enemy that gave me this much trouble.
Rudolph: Actually every deer has its own name (nice touch!), Rudolph was the first one I fought so credit goes to him. It's not really hard, just long. I like how the camera is intentionally slower than you, made the simple act of walking around fun. The idea of a fight in a big room is something I've never actually seen before and it was executed really well.
The final boss also deserves special attention. First of all, don't bother to fight him until you 100%ed the tower, otherwise you will deal very low damage to him. Anyway, this boss managed to do the impossible and give me the same feeling of "it took you very long to get here, you strugged on this adventure, yet you persevered and will finish this right here, right now" feeling that Tower Lead from NAMTG gave me. Why is it "the impossible"? Because NAMTG took me over 50 hours to beat as opposed to 2. Lss, congratulations on accomplishing this.
I won't bother to go reviewing every attack of the boss because this is already way too long of a review. Just trust me, it's the perfect final boss.
In the end... This is my favorite stage in the whole game. Sorry, Chrisay. Sorry, Erik. But this stage easily tops yours.
Quality: 10/10
Difficulty: 55/100

Average Quality: 8.3/10
Average Difficulty: 35/100
Peak Difficulty: 55/100

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Tagged as: Collab
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Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 22, 2019
I participated in this collab, plus got to play at least a majority of the stages in the game before release, so my ratings might not be fully accurate.

Also at the time I'm writing this, only 10 stages are available, so only those will be rated. Gonna update this every time a new stage is available.

Just for fun too, I'll give each stage both a normal rating, and one based on how much Christmas spirit it has.

Mr. Butterfingers & Aolan - Really fun needle-ish stage! Uses a lot of auto-jump fields, which I'm always a sucker for. The Stage ends with a classic simple Aolan boss, which can give some nasty RNG if you mash, so well, don't mash lol.
Rating: 6.5/10
Christmas Spirit: 2/5

Patrickgh3 - Absolutely adorable snow globe themed avoidance with a wonderful serene atmosphere. There are two difficulty options, normal and advanced. I believe the only difference between the two is that advanced is denser. Either way the stage is really easy, and I kinda wish there was an even harder mode. Also warning, the autosaves in this stage don't work in version 1.0, so you will need to download 1.1 to fix that.
Rating: 9/10
Christmas Spirit: 5/5

EchoMask - Bit on the longer side, at least compared to most of the stages. Gave me heavy Sephalos vibes with how cycle focused the platforming is. There's an avoidance at the end, but its easy, and you got an extra hit to work with. I also love the Meet Santa easter egg, laughed really hard at that Don't really have much to say other then that, its very solid, very enjoyable and very Christmas-y! Echo even did the kid sprite used for the rest of the game.
Rating: 8.5/10
Christmas Spirit: 4/5

KittyGame - Pretty fun short stage where you gotta deliver a present to the top of a mountain. Stage itself is definitely on the needle side of things, which I don't mind personally. Also a big fan of the rotating spikes and presents, found those really funny. Minor issues come with how some areas feel a bit unfinished or unpolished. Like how your inventory just disappears on one screen, or that the whole delivery mission seems to be forgotten about when you get to the boss, but those aren't too big of a deal.
Rating: 7.5/10
Christmas Spirit: 3/5

AlejoFangamer - The Stage has a lot of production value, but I really wasn't a fan of the gimmicks or design itself. Main issue was how unlike the rest of the stages, your gun can shoot in any direction, but its aimed using your mouse, so if you gotta change angle around halfway into a save, then when you die you will have to shift it again which gets annoying. There are also some invisible stars that suddenly appear and target you, which are both really annoying, and easily forgettable. I Feel like simply changing the gun to use the arrow keys to shoot up and down would improve it a lot, since I don't think you need to shoot it diagonally at all anywhere.
Rating: 7/10
Christmas Spirit: 2/5

Lovey - Though not the flashiest stage, this is still one my favorites of the bunch. Using a workshop/factory aesthetic, and some gimmicks I'm surprised aren't done more often, it really stands out (at least to me anyway). The boss at the end is a really sweet target shooting boss, where the targets spin, move, and bait you out. Its hella fun. Only minor issues I could bring up is the sudden use of a hard to see vine, which I've seen confuse a lot of people, and the last screen being a tad lengthy. Either way, Lovey's stage is just... Lovely (heh)
Rating: 8.5/10
Christmas Spirit: 3/10

Haegoe - Classic corridor-y Haegoe design. The lift and ice spring gimmicks are really cool, but the stage itself is criminally short, only being 3 screens before a boss. I'd love to see them expanded on in the future. The boss itself is pretty decent, though I feel like it really needs some sound effects. Couple attacks just need that extra omph to them. Overall its pretty good, not the best, but definitely not bad.
Rating: 7/10
Christmas Spirit: 2/5

Pieceofcheese87 - Pretty nice stage with a cool gimmick. When you are in the air you can spawn a present that acts like a platform under you when you press down and shoot. Platforming makes really good use of the gimmick with both sections where you only got a few presents, and another one where you got infinite. Don't really have much to say other then I really think dropping a present should just be remapped to shooting, as you don't really need the gun anywhere else in the stage. I expect pressing down, right/left, and shooting at the same time can be an issue with controller players. Still though, fun stage. Also about the boss, God fucking damn it Piece lol
Rating: 8/10
Christmas Spirit: 4/5

Desticler - Neat little stage where you gotta do a scavenger hunt to find 7 buttons hidden in a cave to open a present in the center of it. There's a short intro area if you happen to go left at the entrance of the cave, not sure if its skipped on purpose or what but its there. Back to the main stage though, while I really like the idea, and one or two of the buttons are pretty clever with how you get them, the general production value and stage design is just kinda not good. It reminds me a lot of that the phase every maker goes through where they want to make interesting needle, but aren't familiar with designing enough to do anything great. Stage still ain't bad, but it definitely feels very amateurish.
Rating: 6/10
Christmas Spirit: 1/5

Chrisay - Just an amazing stage. With how long it is, plus the production value, I'm really impressed with the fact this was done in only 2 months! The Stage itself is one giant world, where you gotta find 15 out of 20 presents hidden around. Unique to this stage is the ability to slide on slopes akin to Super Mario World. Using this ability you can jump huge gaps with great speed, its just really fun to use! Don't really have any major issues with the stage, maybe a save or two were a bit precise, but they weren't pace-ruiners or anything. Really excited to see what Chrisay makes next, as the stuff they've posted of the game they're working looks insanely cool!
Rating: 9.5/10
Christmas Spirit: 5/5

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Collab x-mas what
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 13, 2019
I finally finished this game and to be fair, this review is probably gonna be overly critical to some . It's mainly an issue of having so many people collab, difference of quality is almost bound to happen. It's the same issue i had with spookjam, but i think this game ended up being more fun to me, although that might be because i didn't play it all in one or two sittings, hard to say.

Note: i reviewed every stage after i completed it instead of all at the end.

Mr.Butterfingers and Aolan: Neat stage using blocks that push you up or down. It's very simple and short but i liked it. This stage also features the appearance of an old friend. There's also a simple boss. I like it, but i wish it was a bit longer and used another gimmick.

Patrickgh3: Played it on advanced. I'ts a couple of interesting avoidance tests. Like the last stage it's a bit short. Kinda wish it was slightly harder though, because advanced felt very easy still. Maybe an even harder mode wouldve worked. Still fun.

EchoMask: A longer stage using a couple of classic gimmicks. A bit in the style of 8-bit. (longer saves with cycles.) It ends with an avoidance. You get 2 hp instead of one and it isn't too hard. It's quite long though. It also has a good song. Ended up enjoying this stage a lot and is my favorite of the first three stages i have played so far.

KittyGame: Not really a fan of this one. The stage mostly uses ice physics and breaking blocks. Two rooms require almost every block to be broken, which I found to be a bit of a chore. Save placement was also a bit annoying and the stage felt a bit all over the place. The boss was a bit standard, but enjoyable.

AlejoFangamer: Another miss to me. Controlling your mouse while having to walk or shoot is very awkward. There are also some really out of place and annoying traps. The gimmick itself is a cool idea though. I like the presentation of it, though I do think it is conceptually flawed.

Lovey: Mediocre. This stage goes back to being more needle focussed and initially i liked it. There is the occasional really dumb section that shouldn't exist. The target practice boss is straight up unfun. And that's coming from someone who actually liked the one in pastel.

Haegoe: A little bit more enjoyable than the last couple. It's a bit too slow paced which i personally don't like. Theres a couple of annoying traps, but it really is only one screen. The boss is pretty cool, not really christmas themed, but its neat enough for me not to care.

pieceofcheese87: This one was cool and fun. the gimmick was pretty neat and the platformiung around it is done well. There was one section that felt way harder than the rest and the gimmick could be a bit buggy at rare times. The boss was simple and fun.

Desticler: Really good exploration type stage. Finding the buttons is not all that hard and takes the right amount of time. If you skip the first couple accidentally it is slightly annoying though. My favorite area so far. Also E

Crisay: This area is very much alike the Desticler one, I think i prefer this one though. It's nice that you don't have to find everything. There's one really confusing present to get, which is annoying since it's after a long platforming area. Very good area.

Mega Kid: This one felt very out of place and a bit sudoku-like. The weird sprite was a bit off putting. Didn't really enjoy it overall, especially the first minigame. Could have done without this stage.

Mastermaxify: A longish and easy-ish avoidance. It's very slow paced but the attacks are kinda neat, nothing special though. I could see this avoidance being a pain for newer players but I first tried it and I think most will.

RandomErik: Neat but a bit boring. (Can't really put my finger on why though.). One save was kinda annoying but the rest was all fine. THe ice was a bit hard too see causing some frustration. The boss was kinda cool.

Zebbe: My favorite one so far. It's just needle but the atmosphere is pretty neat. There isn't much to say besides: nice cn3 reference.

Artimax: Short but sweet. This stage features hanging on candy canes mixed with some good old needle. Pretty standard stuff. It ends with a megaman? boss. Its pretty fun.

Shign and Dono: This stage contains longer saves with the predictable version of triggers. The first half is a bit annoying with a kot of diagonals and other generic jumps. The Second part is really good though. Overall pretty neat stage.

Asza: A pretty painful stage to play. It's a bit like the runner stage in classic. It's very learny and feels like it never ends. The song is pretty terrible. I like that it incorperates gimmicks, but even with that it didn't feel interesting at all.

Kiyoshi: I gave up on this one part way trough. Don't think it's the fully stage's fault though. I do like long chains of traps, but it felt like the stage went overboard with that idea. Edit: actually played and finished it now, what I said still stands. The boss is great though, I really like destination-likes and its difficulty is perfect.

Wetwookie: Very fun. The gimmick here is disappearing blocks. The gimmick is used in a clever way where it's a bit puzzle like. There's quite a lot of screens. I also like the slight quality of life thing where it auto teleports you to the next jump, saving some time. There's a clever boss at the end with an arena of disappearing blocks. The disappearing blocks are sometimes a bit buggy though.

lss: A really good namtg-like stage. The new enemies get progressively harder and the platforming is more fair than namtg. I don't think there's any way to softlock here, which is great. It definitely feels harder than the other stages, but maybe that's fitting for the last stage. The final boss is cool and has a pretty clever middle phase. The final phase platforms got me rng fucked though, which considering that this boss is long, is very annoying. Great way to end the game.

Considering all the stages and the frustrations along the way, i can just not rate this any higher, even with the high points like the lss stage. There's such huge differences in difficulty and quality it feels jarring. I do appreciate how high the production value was and the timed release of every stage was a cool gimmick. My favorite stage overall probably is wookies, while i enjoyed megakids the least.

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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 55 55
Dec 7, 2019
Jingle jam is the result of a seasonal themed collab project which invited anyone who wished to participate to create a stage. The spiritual successor to Spook Jam, it bears a lot of resemblances and a few key differences. Unlike Spook Jam, I do appreciate (even factoring in that I did every stage anyway) the ability to pick and play what you want.

As expected from a game of this type, the style, quality and content of the game varies a fair bit but every stage had appeal and that's good. There's a lot of creativity showing through, with people generally trying to do something different from one another, which was great to see. It feels like it was a great project to give people a guaranteed audience to work on something new and try something out, which is a fantastic basis for a project in my opinion. Even factoring in there were a lot of newer makers showcased, the overall quality level was very high and its a promising sight for the future of fangames.

There's a lot of fun to be had, and a lot of weird stuff to get through and I'd definitely recommend to anyone to give this one a try and see what it has to offer.

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Tagged as: Collab Magic_Tower
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 5, 2020