I wanna be the Angel

Creator: ぐんまさま

Average Rating
5.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
69.2 / 100
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Adventure (4) Needle (1) Trap (4) Gimmick (4) Boss (3) Long (5) Puzzle (2) Minigame (1) Bosses (1) metroidvania (1)


  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by GunmaP
  • by GunmaP
  • by GunmaP
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by GunmaP
  • by GunmaP
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk

8 Reviews:

A very long oldschool style japanese adventure game with a lot going for it, but unfortunately a lot of things holding it back. Review is based on Standard Medium difficulty on v1.2. There are two sets of difficulties in this game to be aware of, the first is Easy, Standard or Extreme - this affects actual gameplay, mostly as far as I can tell through the addition of spikes.

There's a lot to like in this game and a lot to hate. Lets start with the positives -

It's huge with a ton of content and variety. There's a lot of creativity with each stage usually having a couple of gimmicks used in a few different ways to keep things interesting. You get a mixture
of bosses, exploration, varied segments including memorization stuff, a mini rhythm game, light puzzles and so forth, along with traditional cycle based platform, light needling and cycles. The creator clearly put in a lot of love and effort into this game, and provides text documents and such to help if people get stuck or confused (as there's some backtracking and exploration required).

The cons? Well, for starters its on the dated poroniumu engine from 2013 or something and largely the game feels like its that old. Mostly stock graphics, restarting music and some weird interactions abound. Secondly, jank. Some of the gimmicks are janky. Controls might be awkward, enemy behavior might be awkward, mechanics might be unintuitive, cycles may be terrible and so forth. After a couple updates from the author, none of these are game breakers but they can get rough. Finally, balance. It's a common and difficult to pin down complaint usually, but in this game its a seismograph. Sometimes you run into a weird, super precise maneuver and it catches you off guard. Sometimes a save is 6 times longer than the previous and the subsequent and sometimes it combines these things. On average, the game is not that hard but it has some spikes that I'd argue probably go into the 70s, though most is 40-50 - the difficulty rating provided is where I figure you'd probably want to be at to get through with some occasional minor struggles.

Production wise, its largely nonexistent. Graphics are basic, music is eternally restarting and there's minimal sound effects in use. Performance can be an issue as many stages are single rooms of upwards of 20 screens. There are some QoL features though, including guides, some warp control and actually saving triggers.

Platforming wise, this is the core of the game. Its huge, has a ton of stages and substages, lots of variety and lots of creativity. There's rough... ROUGH spots, but there's always something new and interesting in the next rooms which is cool. Expect some learning curve with mechanics, especially if you can't read/translate japanese as there is a decent amount of text signs in-game to explain them, or in the docs to guide you through. Mechanics wise, this never really hurt me (except for one post-clear optional minigame which I still don't know what you're supposed to do).

Boss-wise, its weird. There's some really questionable stuff here but every boss is unique and has a cool identity. Balance is all over, they might be awkward and janky but atleast they're memorable.

Overall... its a cool game with a lot of cool stuff. It feels like its straight out of 2013 in terms of design and production and back in those times, it'd have probably been pretty amazing. At this point, its decent but you have to have some patience. If you like cool ideas, long games and interesting ideas, give it a shot. If you don't have that patience, its probably best to not get into it.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Long
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 70 70
Oct 10, 2019
Rating is based on the EXTREME difficulty.

This game was clearly inspired by "I Wanna See The Moon," though it has the minor issue of being significantly less fun. It's incredibly long (14 stages according to the readme) and has a ton of variety in the platforming and boss design, but I'm not going to go too in-depth; for that I'd recommend reading Kurath's review. From what I've been told, the bosses are either unchanged between Normal and Extreme, or are so minutely different that we aren't even sure what is changed. That is scary to think about because half of the bosses were pretty ridiculous on Extreme, and if they're no different on Normal, they are probably much harder than most of the platforming (barring the occasional drastic difficulty spike). The cloud boss and the vine boss in particular stand out as ones that were particularly irritating to deal with.

The platforming is, as mentioned, all over the place in terms of difficulty and quality. There is a save in the lava stage, a save in the beach stage, and a save in the vine stage that are very much memorable but in the bad way. I was told that the huge difficulty spike saves such as those were not at all changed for Extreme which again makes Normal mode moderately worrying. Note that this game is somewhat a metroidvania, so you will have to replay a bit of platforming to reach alternate paths and to use an item upgrade that you get after the first runthrough.

The final boss is ridiculous. It's over 7 minutes long and has some of the hardest bits near the end, and the intro to the fight is almost a minute long and pretty free. If you hate long intros and long fights in general, you're gonna have a rough time and most likely not enjoy yourself. The song is great and makes the boss feel extra exciting, but it feels like a huge step up in difficulty from the rest of the game. On Extreme difficulty you get 2 HP, and on Normal difficulty you get 3 HP. No idea about Easy, but it is presumably more than 3.

It pains me to say this, but I cannot in good faith recommend this game on Extreme difficulty, and if what I've been told about Normal difficulty is true, I probably wouldn't recommend doing that either. The game has a ton of variety and a lot of good parts, but the bad sections that randomly pop up make the entire experience a somewhat painful one. Perhaps Easy difficulty is more reasonable and worth playing, but I couldn't say.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick Long Puzzle Bosses metroidvania
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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 77 77
Jul 2, 2020
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said by kurath and Wolsk, so I'll simply add that this is one of my go-tos for a long and hard adventure game and is a major influence on me still.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss Long
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 10, 2024
This rating might seem harsh, because it is, but the reason for it is just based on what I think rating things is for. For me rating something is comparing it to other things in it's medium, with higher numbers being the upper echelon of said medium. This game gets a 0/10 because truly, being honest and not trying to be edgy or mean, I can not tell you a single thing this game does that isn't done way better by nearly any other adventure game, even the really bad ones can get some edges over this game, but this one genuinely has nothing that would make me recommend it to anyone, there is nothing here worth playing to me. Now to pay respect where it's due, this is a very high effort game, and that's commendable, but Jesus Christ man, what the hell is this game. Platforming with obnoxious jumps, random super long saves out of nowhere, annoying gimmicks, and random traps which are just flying spike nonsense for 99% of them. The bosses are arguably worse, just terrible RNG garbage which feels terrible to play and never feels rewarding. The final boss is a little better but it gets stale quick, after about half of one attempt. It only took me like 5 attempts and I honestly think it's easier than some earlier bosses, but it was not fun, although not terrible. This game to me is genuinely atrocious, and is definitely my new least favorite fangame. Not a big fan.

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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 58 58
Apr 30, 2023
I played on medium and standard mode, this game is unbalanced, platforming have some very easy part or very long one, boss battle still sucks, all bosses have time limit, some boss limit your movable space or with gimmick, but the gimmick is no fun in boss battle

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: N/A
May 29, 2024