3 Reviews:
I will refrain from giving a rating because the game is very much still unfinished, but I will say I found this game so far to be quite disappointing. While the game succeeds at making each screen significantly different than the originals, the execution and enjoyability of them leaves a lot to be desired. The minibosses that interrupt the platforming do not flow well at all, do not let you skip their intro, and some even have non-trivial choke jumps afterwards. Most of the platforming is OK but some saves are obnoxiously long, in particular the +1 blow game screen and the Guy Labyrinth screen. Currently, only stage 1 has a boss and it is both quite difficult and lengthy. I would maybe be OK with something this tough as a final boss, but as a first boss it's a bit much. The fact that it's thematically a Happil style meme boss doesn't give it many points in its favour either.
Overall, I appreciate the idea the game is going for but as it stands now, I think it needs a lot of reworking to be enjoyable.
[2] Likes
Overall, I appreciate the idea the game is going for but as it stands now, I think it needs a lot of reworking to be enjoyable.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 21, 2023
The game is unfinished but you have access to playing level 1 and 2 and to fight boss 1. Game is definitely a tough one and I hope the creator will come back to finish it someday.
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68
Difficulty: 54 54
Jan 20, 2024