I Wanna Be the Butterfly

Creators: クライン, れぃ

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
73.8 / 100
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Adventure (4) Needle (3) Avoidance (3) Trap (2) Gimmick (6) Boss (3) Long (5) Minigame (1)


  • by Kilp41
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Kilp41
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Kilp41
  • by Wolsk
  • by Kilp41
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk

26 Reviews:

Butterfly is a great adventure game boasting a huge variety of challenges and tasks for the player to whittle their way through. Some parts can feel a little dated here and there in terms of visuals, but the gameplay mostly than makes up for those weak points.

The game consists of a starting hub and then a couple more hubs later on, full of different challenges and areas to explore. The various areas in the hubs are quite different from one another and feature a bunch of neat stuff for the player to have fun with. For example, the first hub offers a Zelda-esque dungeon setup whereupon you can find a map, door keys, solve puzzles, find new gimmicks and fight the stage boss all in one comfy package, whilst another portal in the hub offers a challenging batch of trigger needle to test your platforming capabilities. The later hubs also feature many zany features such as target-practice minigames with score requirements, a couple of retro-themed stages with throwbacks to Mario and Megaman and even an intense tower climb as a ballerina panda chases you to the top. There's really quite a fun mix.

Of course with so much variety there will always be a couple of points I enjoyed less. One particularly notorious segment in the first hub caused much frustration with the v-string heavy platforming. I enjoyed the concept and thought it looked interesting visually, but a couple of the saves relied heavily on hoping you have the right jump heights to slip into a little gap, making for a bit of a grindy area. There's also an avoidance later on which I had quite a bit of fun with, but there is a 20 second intro which isn't skippable and this wore my focus down quite a bit in-between attempts. Still, I found the avoidance itself to be fun and challenging with a mix of slight pattern and some occasionally intense RNG.

I was told early on whilst playing this that Butterfly tests your skills in ways that most fangames don't, and after finishing this I can definitely agree. Overcoming the various challenges it presents made for a very satisfying adventure fangame. Some parts can be questionable at times, but if you don't mind some v-string shenanigans then you'll probably have a fun time.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
[5] Likes
Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 80 80
Mar 1, 2018
Generally speaking, I think I find myself preferring newer fangames to older ones. Newer fangames have the benefit of hindsight and several years of fangames to draw upon to learn from. The general level of quality and production has trended upward in every sense of the word. There’s something older fangames have over newer ones in my opinion though, and that’s just how raw they are. Older fangames are not afraid to throw random bullshit in your face no matter what you may think. Is it a good idea to make a stage based purely on squished blocks and vstrings? I won’t give a definitive answer, but most new fangames would not even attempt that because of how divisive it is.

To this day, there is no fangame I have ever played that is quite like Butterfly. I enjoyed how daring it is. I enjoyed how raw the platforming is. It is like a collection of ideas that just totally land as a complete package for me. I was so happy the entire time and I laughed even at the stuff that is just baffling. I won’t argue it’s a perfect game, but it’s a perfect game for me specifically. I wish more fangames like this existed.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
May 1, 2024
Butterfly is an incredibly creative and unique fangame, primarily basing it's gameplay off gimmicky needle. Considering the age of the game, it's impressive to see all these ideas in just one simple collab with tons of content, almost all of which is very enjoyable. There's some speed bumps along the way, such as a few of the bosses not being great, and some platforming saves are a bit tedious or annoying, but there's some real highlights here. I'm a huge fan of the minigame world, the mario world with collect coins was awesome, and the Meiko avoidance is a definite highlight in both quality and difficulty. Overall butterfly holds up amazingly today, and is a game I'd recommend to basically anyone with the patience to handle an older, longer adventure game.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 68 68
May 27, 2023
This game has very fucking a lot to offer, similar to Breaking Out, but Butterfly goes way crazier in concepts i would say. First hub is kinda on the bad side for me, even tho i like stage with map and finding path, the rest went pretty painful. Some saves were just too much in terms of precision you need to achieve to pass them

But once i get out from the first hub, game peaked insanely high. Everything after first hub was just so fun, that it's hard to describe my emotions fully. I would just name best things:
-WWTBM. Actual banger of area. Lifelines is cool addition, jumps are fun and fitting and the prize is glorious
-Meiko avoidance. I expected it to be tedious, but it was pretty cool tbh. Yeah, it has unskippable intro, but other than that it was stylish with unique song and some creativity in attacks
-Mario. Oh boy collecting coins was as much as nightmare as hillarious and fun at the same time. Last save was actually crazy for me in any possible way. Boss was also pretty fitting and good
-Minigames rush. Can't say anything besides this was banger all the way through. The way i fluked last minigame is one of the my most proudest achievments
-Shooting stage. Probably best stage in the game. Focuses on shooting targets with some routing through, this was absolute blast of area. Boss is pretty unique, explores gimmick as well, my only wish it can be random, no pattern, but since shooting is anyway sort of random, it was still very enjoyable

As you can see this game for how old it is, turns out to be one of the most creative fangames i've played in general. You definitely should try it, if you love unique stuff, even if you didn't like first hub like me, believe me you will grantly awarded with the later content

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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 77 77
Apr 9, 2023
i think its reasonable to think of this game as an old morning dew, the gimmicks and concepts are definitely not as out there, but its a game full of tons of different gimmicks and concepts, and naturally, not everyone will like all of these. id encourage you to go into this game with an open mind, for example, the vstring stage was personally really fun and honestly hilarious for me. id recommend giving this game a try, it's likely that you will dislike some things, but its also likely you'll have fun with most if it. theres also the chance you like everything which would be a gigantic dub

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[2] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 78 78
Mar 28, 2018