10 Reviews:
A game I played a long time ago and I loved it. This game has four mini-stages and a final stage. The bosses aren't that hard, basically anyone with a bit of gaming experience can beat them easily. The yellow stage is a trap stage, and the traps are pretty dense, although most of them aren't that amazing when put into context. All in all I had more fun with this stage. The blue stage's elements are mainly needles with a handful of traps that can be rather annoying when placed inside needles, especially when certain traps are placed in the back part of a save point.The green stage comes with a windy gimmick, where you're blown by a strong wind that helps you add or subtract movement speed, which I'm not a fan of. The other stage is a factory painted one with countdown bricks in it. After clearing all four stages you'll move on to the final stage. The final stage is trap based, and after a few sides you'll enter the final boss, which is much harder than the previous bosses, but incredibly enjoyable to play. All in all, I highly recommend this game.
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Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 8, 2023
Another great trap adventure game by Okome. Much like his other games, there is a hub with branching paths leading to different themed stages. There are a lot of traps, but a lot of them are creative. All of the stages are pretty well designed, although I wasn't a big fan of the wind stage gimmick. Once you beat the 4 main areas, you get access to the final path. Each area has a fairly simple apple boss, but the final area boss is fairly serious.
This game has the annoying music restart on death for all stages but the last one. I really wish that this music meta would change by now, but it doesn't ruin the game given how well done everything else is.
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This game has the annoying music restart on death for all stages but the last one. I really wish that this music meta would change by now, but it doesn't ruin the game given how well done everything else is.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 23, 2016
Good game with good gimmicks and good bosses, red stage was not it.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 23, 2023
The final boss is MUCH HARDER than any other parts
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Rating: 8.4 84
Difficulty: 53 53
Mar 12, 2023