I wanna enjoy my yellow shoes 2

Creator: Asza

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
49.4 / 100
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Adventure (5) Gimmick (5) Boss (1) Shortventure_2018 (4)


  • by asza5
  • by asza5
  • by asza5

9 Reviews:

There's a lot to like about this game. Its style and plotline are charming and the level design explores the gimmicks in a fun and challenging way. I think it went wrong in a few places though and that could put off some people playing the game. The design is creative, but in some parts it feels needlessly precise. i.e. the precision doesn't add anything to the segment. For example, in one save there is a 2-block trick corner that serves no purpose other than to wall a player who doesn't know about the 2-block trick. The bubble drop save, while really interesting, was too precise to pull off.

As for the curse gimmick, I think it's neat but you didn't introduce me to it, you just threw me into a segment utilizing everything. One of the best principles of level design is that when you give the player something new, you need to ease them into it. A short segment showing that it ticks down when i'm in the air, followed by a segment showing that vines refresh it, and finally a segment that shows red vines don't refresh would do wonders.

The lasers in the last stage were good, just a bit too precise in some spots I felt. It wasn't bad though. The final chase was a nice touch with the blood on the walls. The actual platforming also isn't bad compared to the rest of the stage. The boss is pretty simple but decent enough.

To sum up, I liked the way you used the gimmicks for the most part in your level design. It just feels a bit needlessly precise in some spots.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 56 56
Nov 13, 2018
A neat little adventure game that builds up kind of slowly. It opens with a little premonition that progresses as you do through the game. It incorporates a couple of new gimmicks per stage with standout transition segments between these shorter stages, culminating in a boss fight.

Expect a little confusion and a bump or two as you get adjusted to the different mechanics introduced but there's plenty of variety to appreciate along the way. Its overall an enjoyable adventure and worth a look if you're interested in one with a little more bite than the other submissions.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 52 52
Nov 13, 2018
Yellow Shoes 2 is a charming adventure that moulds into the Shortventure theme very nicely, starting as a simple and sweet adventure before descending into the dark and spooky depths. One of my favourite parts about the game were the textboxes, and in combination the writing. It was all done in an often humourous and charming way which helped encapsulated the adventure feel. The level design also felt well thought out, particularly to regards to backtracking in certain segments which can very easily feel like a chore, but was managed in a way that made it feel different and/or faster than before. The curse gimmick was interesting, although I felt perhaps a slight increase in time might've alleviated some of the trickier saves, most notably the first red/green vine save. I particularly liked the final stage, which utilized the laser gimmick in fun ways and suited the stage atmosphere very well.

As mentioned previously, I feel some of the saves in the cursed cave area stung a little in difficulty compared to the rest of the game, which can partly be attributed down to the gimmick introduction and getting used to the timing. I think introducing the gimmick with a couple of easier saves might work nicely, or just lengthening the curse bar a little bit to avoid punishing really small mistakes. I was also a little confused in the large water area, which took me a few moments to understand what exactly I was looking for. Small things such as an indicator of the jellyfish direction or slight nerfs on precision for some saves (such as in the laser area) might also make the gameplay flow smoother.

Overall though this was a really nice shortventure, and just made for a fun play. I also especially enjoyed the end boss, which felt like a fitting boss character given the theme alongside some fun attacks and reasonable difficulty. Good stuff Asza!

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 45 45
Nov 13, 2018
I had a lot of fun with this one. Interesting platforming, good music, nice atmosphere, etc etc. The curse mechanic was poorly explained, but executed well. I do agree with the judges in that the final area was too precise at times. Primarily two bits: The turret finale and the bit where you fall through a rapidly flashing laser into gunfire. Those two parts felt obnoxiously precise. However, I really loved the precision in this save https://i.imgur.com/qam5qU8.jpg because doing it fast felt very, very cool. Anyway, overall a fangame I'm glad I played.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Nov 13, 2018
Maybe it's just me but I felt like the one drop save in the cave stages was kind of trial and error, something like a different camera showing what is below the kid even further than the normal camera would have helped. Other than that I did enjoy the rest of the game despite of how precise are more segments than others.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick
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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 50 50
Nov 13, 2018