I Wanna Escape Into My Mind

Creator: Jane_Chef

Average Rating
9.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
49.9 / 100
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  • by iouhoh
  • by Gaphodil
  • by Gaphodil
  • by Gaphodil
  • by DomGamer
  • by Gaphodil

66 Reviews:

it feels like lesbian Burnmind

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Special Art
[37] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 49 49
Jul 19, 2023
I'd appreciate if my review wasn't used to cause harm or to troll, my opinion wasn't meant to discredit or to hate on Jane. She's a person that has talent and I wouldn't have done this review if that wasn't the case, please stop using this review for that purpose. This'll be edited until then.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 3, 2023
Gender excellence

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Art FangameMarathon Lesbian
[12] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 45 45
Jul 18, 2023
Erik stole my line lol

Serious review: I had a lot of fun! Lesbian Burnmind really encapsulates it, but if you want more details, then here's what to expect: wacky platforming focused more on cycles, light gimmicks and enemies than needle, a medley stage, great bosses (on the easier side), unique visuals, epic gameplay advice, and a great final stage. The physics are close enough to classic fangame physics (not that it matters that much since you're not doing gates or anything), but you'll often be playing as alternate characters with different properties, which was very well implemented and a nice feature I wish more fangames had.

Highly recommended for any fangame player, and I think it also has a huge speedrunning potential. If I had to nitpick anything, the flying seekers could probably use a gentler intro, and there's a couple spots on final boss phase one where I felt unfairly walled, but overall it's an awesome game and it was a pleasure to experience.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Art FangameMarathon Wacky Cycle FM_2023 Lesbian
[11] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 19, 2023
To question the self and your very being, that is the question of today for many people, whether in literal or more figurative terms. I will not speak explicitly to whatever the creator thinks and feels nor will I try to speak to their plight as it is not my place nor is it something I am personally familiar enough with to really be able to get anywhere in the first place. All the same, it would be foolish to discuss this game without in some ways tackling the very meaning of it, or at least I would find it to be so.

The gameplay itself bears no discussion because it's just all high quality all the time. I do not need to talk of the effortlessly creative design that comes pouring out like hot lava, or the evocative artstyle that defines Escape Into My Mind. Indeed, this is a game one could use as a point on a graph to highlight the journey we've gone on as a community. To compare this to our earlier works like from that of carnival and the like, you may not find it to be a strictly better experience, but it is undeniable that this is a more clear and overt vision when it comes to what this game is trying to say. I don't deny that there has been something lost from times of old, a sort of nebulous concept of character and heart that people love the old fangames for, but to claim that there is no heart or character in fangames of today when people are making stuff like this? Well, it's a bit silly, to say the least.

The most impressive aspect of the game has to be in that mentioned clarity of vision. It is not enough to say that the game is clearly meaningful, it is so much more than that. I love most when games like this attempt to marry meaning with gameplay, and Escape succeeds in every way when it comes to this task. Even small choices seem to bear great meaning, such as that your heart in one of the latter stages tries to kill you throughout the stage - that each chosen character takes on a different style and in the end are all going against you, while I cannot say what every little choice in design means, I am certain that most if not all of it had purpose behind it beyond a mere capitulation to the "wacky" artstyle.

Particularly, the choice to make the final boss each character you took on at the end of previous stages was a great one. It is as if each character was originally an attempt to conform to this image that the main character believes they should look like if they want to be who they want to be - and in the end, the revelation comes that they should feel comfortable looking however the hell they damn well please so long as it fits into their own preferences. It's not a matter of looking like the image of what you want to be, but looking like what YOU want to be no matter how it ends up looking for other people.

It is this expression of individuality that I take away from this game, one that can work both as an artistic statement and a personal one. Indeed, the creator is one of a kind within our community even if their inspirations are obvious. Releases like this are what continue to assure me that our path as a community is surely the right one, or at least the one that I'm glad to be journeying on alongside the rest.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick FangameMarathon
[8] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 25, 2023