4 Reviews:
A great little adventure/gimmick/puzzle game with some zany stuff split over a hub with 3 areas and a final stage.
Admittedly this hits a lot of sweet spots for me, so I was a big fan of a lot of what happened.
Production-wise, aesthetics are clear and there's some neat implementations of stuff. There's not really any insane frills but even the splash screen is cute.
Platforming is the majority of this game, featuring 4 very distinct stages. The first has a neat little gacha system in otherwise whats regular needle to give you alternatives to doing it, or just figuring out silly strategies and skips with the powerups. The boss here is pretty generic but also a money farm for the gacha to do all kinds of zany things. Second and third stages are both puzzle oriented, one with a time rewind gimmick that seems to have a lot of unintended alternate solutions, and one with some laser/trigger/block puzzles that are pretty cool but have intended jank solutions sometimes (so keep an eye out for that). The bosses for both of these stages just incorporate the gimmick in an interesting way though their attacks don't really do much.
The final stage is adventury, featuring cycles and mixed other gimmicks and was a nice mix of stuff. The final boss, unlike the others, plays as an actual boss though it certainly has some flaws (unfair attack overlap being one of them) - its not that tough though so even if its a little messy shouldn't stop anyone from beating the game if they got there. There's a handful of traps in places which tend to change things up, though some of them are just stupid and aren't the pull of the game but might cause some annoyances.
Overall its quirky and fun and I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend it if you like weird stuff thats more campy than challenging and don't mind a couple dumb traps (there really aren't many though).
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Admittedly this hits a lot of sweet spots for me, so I was a big fan of a lot of what happened.
Production-wise, aesthetics are clear and there's some neat implementations of stuff. There's not really any insane frills but even the splash screen is cute.
Platforming is the majority of this game, featuring 4 very distinct stages. The first has a neat little gacha system in otherwise whats regular needle to give you alternatives to doing it, or just figuring out silly strategies and skips with the powerups. The boss here is pretty generic but also a money farm for the gacha to do all kinds of zany things. Second and third stages are both puzzle oriented, one with a time rewind gimmick that seems to have a lot of unintended alternate solutions, and one with some laser/trigger/block puzzles that are pretty cool but have intended jank solutions sometimes (so keep an eye out for that). The bosses for both of these stages just incorporate the gimmick in an interesting way though their attacks don't really do much.
The final stage is adventury, featuring cycles and mixed other gimmicks and was a nice mix of stuff. The final boss, unlike the others, plays as an actual boss though it certainly has some flaws (unfair attack overlap being one of them) - its not that tough though so even if its a little messy shouldn't stop anyone from beating the game if they got there. There's a handful of traps in places which tend to change things up, though some of them are just stupid and aren't the pull of the game but might cause some annoyances.
Overall its quirky and fun and I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend it if you like weird stuff thats more campy than challenging and don't mind a couple dumb traps (there really aren't many though).
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 23, 2019
Really cool adventure game that has some neat ideas, primarily in gimmicks that promote a bit of a puzzle aspect.
I was quite a fan of all it had, which ranges from a gacha currency system that gives you random powerups you can use (such as triple jump or water you can place) to puzzles that revolve around pushing blocks to switch off lasers. There's even a stage that revolves around taking a recording of yourself and being able to play it back later, and if your recording had you shooting in it so too will your playback. There are of course bosses for each of these stages, they're pretty easy and just expect you to use the gimmick some. The final stage is a more traditional adventure game area, it's a good bit harder than the rest though and I can't say I was a fan of the final boss due to how the arena is laid out. Another special aspect to the game is an optional avoidance you can access any time on the pause screen, it's not a button that takes you there, it literally IS the pause screen.
Overall, definitely a hidden gem on the website worth people's play, ideas like this are what make fangames special.
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I was quite a fan of all it had, which ranges from a gacha currency system that gives you random powerups you can use (such as triple jump or water you can place) to puzzles that revolve around pushing blocks to switch off lasers. There's even a stage that revolves around taking a recording of yourself and being able to play it back later, and if your recording had you shooting in it so too will your playback. There are of course bosses for each of these stages, they're pretty easy and just expect you to use the gimmick some. The final stage is a more traditional adventure game area, it's a good bit harder than the rest though and I can't say I was a fan of the final boss due to how the arena is laid out. Another special aspect to the game is an optional avoidance you can access any time on the pause screen, it's not a button that takes you there, it literally IS the pause screen.
Overall, definitely a hidden gem on the website worth people's play, ideas like this are what make fangames special.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 53 53
Jan 12, 2023
It's a pretty decent puzzle-platformer kind of fangame. There's three stages, each with an interesting gimmick. The first being collecting coins for a gacha to gain power ups. (Yes, you can grind the easy 100 coins for some extra pizzazz) I felt like it could have been executed better, but it still works. Second part uses a recording of yourself. It's been done before a couple times, and this time is not much different. Nothing great, but nothing awful, and still requires you to use your noggin. Third stage has a laser/switch puzzle that uses moving blocks. Some parts were neat. The laser doesn't take up the entire 32x32, allowing you to Shoepert Skip through on the last stage. The bosses felt like they could have used more work, excluding the final boss, which was okay. Few issues here and there, along with possibly bad RNG. Overall, not a bad game.
Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 52 52
May 15, 2016