I wanna Become the Vegetable

Creator: Aolan

Average Rating
5.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
25.3 / 100
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Adventure (8) Needle (1) Trap (7) Boss (5)


  • by Novagine
  • by Novagine
  • by YGamingDude
  • by Novagine
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by YGamingDude

25 Reviews:

Its a neat little game with 3 short stages with primarily standard tiles/sprites, each with a boss at the end, a handful of traps and a few classic gimmicks and a cute little ending.

I'd recommend it to a newer player trying to get a feel for a bunch of things as it tosses a handful of the basics at you - vines and water, reactable spike traps, finding hidden blocks, apple patterns and some common style boss attacks.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap
[2] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 30 30
May 12, 2018
A wholesome and funny game about vegetables

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[1] Like
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 25 25
Apr 8, 2023
Vegetable is a short adventure with a lot of charm to it. The bosses are silly objects with faces drawn on them, the platforming is basic but interesting enough that I could enjoy myself and the humour adds a nice touch to round off the short little journey.

Design-wise there's some really neat little stuff in here that'll make your playthrough worth the time. I do wish it was longer and perhaps elaborated on, because there's plenty of potential and creativity scattered around. Nothing to complain about really. Hopefully Vegetable 2 makes an appearance one day. I'll certainly look forward to playing it if so!

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 12, 2018

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss
[1] Like
Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 22 22
May 14, 2018

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[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 22 22
Dec 15, 2021