Christmas Deliveries 2

Creator: Gwiz609

Average Rating
8.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
64.2 / 100
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Adventure (8) Needle (7) Gimmick (4) Boss (6) Art (1) gimmick_needle (1)


  • by Wolsk
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by Wolsk
  • by Anuj
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk

26 Reviews:

A sequel to a favorite of mine, certainly keeps the spirit alive. Very similar in format and style, though a bit more compact package.

I'd classify it as a needleventure, with a heavy focus on trigger needles interspersed with bosses and a few additional gimmicks. It looks good and flows well, with the bosses generally being easier than the platforming I found. It has that Gwiz charm that maintains the gameplay appeal of a serious game with some intentionally silliness along the way.

The platforming picks up over the course of the game, and I greatly appreciated that it got a lot more interested as time went on, and starts mixing in some quirky gimmicks, making a nice balance between smooth platforming that flows and slower parts with some thinking.

The bosses are fun interludes, and definitely a plus for me - each one standing out in their own way without hurting the pace of the game.

Overall, if you like GWiz's stuff, especially Christmas Deliveries, this is a no brainer. For anyone else, if you like needleventure with tougher platforming mixed with easier bosses, its a fun time and worth a play.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Boss
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 65 65
Dec 25, 2021
This game slaps

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 63 63
Dec 25, 2021
Didn't like stage 6 due to the length of the saves and the uncomfortably high difficulty, but everything else was fantastic. Really solid needle-venture and even better than the first Christmas Deliveries. Gwiz is a a madman.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 68 68
Dec 25, 2021
Great game. The music, the atmosphere, everything really creates the Christmas spirit. Even though it’s the end of October, the game is so soulful that it creates this winter holiday. The game itself is divided into stages, there are 7 in total, at the end of each there are bosses. The bosses are all easy , and are more of a transition to the next stage than any challenge. Each stage is individual and has its own mechanics and features. The first 5 stages all have traps, each is individual and interesting and unusual in its own way. I don’t like traps, but here they are interesting , not annoying, you know that your action and touching something already marked in advance with a snowflake or something else, depending on the stage, will lead to their appearance, from this you are ready and meet them combatively, although initially you do not understand what exactly will happen. Mine the opinion is that this is the best option for traps. Stage 6 is a clean needle with a little innovation in the first 5 screens. Places similar to platforms covered with snow that you cannot catch on when jumping, the jump must be at the level of your feet to this platform, otherwise you will fall down, although it acts on the principle of a platform, like a transparent one. Then at this stage there are screens with an interesting use of a teleport, it’s quite difficult to explain, but the idea is cool, as is the implementation.
Stage 7 also uses a teleport in combination with various mechanics, such as 3 jumps, increased speed, levitation, etc. Here you must find a way out using all this. In general, the game is wonderful and worthy of the highest rating

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 30, 2023
Brillant sequel of a brillant game. While it has a huge emphasis on triggers which is not something I'm particulary a fan, I really liked it even if it was also a bit shorter than the first game. Final stage was really clever but also a huge spike in difficulty, I wish it was less exigent at some points or maybe had more saves. Bosses were also a bit weak.

I have a sweet spot for the first game so I would say I liked this one less, but I would of course recommend it to anyone.

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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 65 65
Dec 29, 2021