I wanna Common Jump

Creator: My

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
44.6 / 100
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Adventure (4) Needle (2) Avoidance (3) Gimmick (5) Boss (3)


  • by kurath
  • by kurath

10 Reviews:

A pretty wacky little adventure game featuring The Kid off on an adventure to defeat Dr. Anus and his legion of Korean idols(?). It consists of 3 stages each with a boss(or avoidance), usually mixing up some gimmicks here and there.

The platforming can be fairly enjoyable if not simplistic at times, with some different speed/gravity gimmicks and VVVVVV platforming here and there, alongside couple of sneaky traps. There's also a fair share of questionable content too, such as a save with about 26 walk-off-stutters which feels really unfun and just badly designed.

The bosses whilst kinda fun visually due to the hand-drawn aspects have some shoddy elements to them. The first boss has some upsetting gotcha moments and the final boss is particular questionable in regards to the HP, requiring about 3 full cycles to get through which follows up with a kinda dense ending barrage which felt incredibly chokey and potentially very hard if RNG feels up for it.

Still, it's fairly enjoyable. The production value is the high point for sure, and the platforming has some entertaining moments. Just be willing to sift through a bit of eye-raising content alongside your adventures to thwart Dr. Anus.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss
[3] Likes
Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 4, 2019
Technically died in the last 2 seconds of the game but that's okay. Its an interesting adventure game based around jumping gimmicks, featuring an infinite jump, a low grav and a VVVVVV stage primarily.

It shows some serious production value from time to time, though its inconsistent. The standard level is reasonable though.

The stage design is all over the place, quickly bouncing from free to painfully terrible. Still, the majority of it was fun and the bosses were kind of interesting.

The final boss is a bit of a difficulty spike, not because its that hard but its fairly learny and incredibly long, following off with an actually difficult RNG phase. Its playable, though not amazing by any means.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick
[2] Likes
Rating: 5.6 56       Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 4, 2019
While the storyline is quite poor (I believe that it should be funny, but there's a heavy lack of clarity that stops it from being anything at all. The mix between english and korean text doesn't really help either), the game itself is quite interesting. Fun platforming, and while the bosses are annoying at the beginning, they become quite enjoyable once you understand how to deal with each of them. The high jumps were surprisingly fun to use, as well. Visuals were a mixed bag, but I liked the musics.
It's an interesting game, mainly if you forget that it should have a storyline. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Gimmick
[1] Like
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 41 41
Oct 19, 2015
Very fun point and click adventure game!

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 10, 2015
A three stage adventure game. An entertaining playthrough.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Boss
[0] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 49 49
Nov 5, 2023