
Creator: ゴムけし

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
64.0 / 100
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Adventure (3) Trap (3) Gimmick (3) Boss (3)


  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen
  • by bantsmen

5 Reviews:

One of my favourite adventure fangames, I had a blast playing through this game. Imitation consists of 3 stages, each having platforming and a boss with amazing visuals and good music choices.

The platforming overall is excellent, in the first stage it's relatively basic, not featuring any gimmicks but having a few cool traps here and there, but it's really fun regardless. The platforming in the second stage introduces a new, very cool momentum-based gimmick. I think this gimmick is really really fun to play around, and I wish there was more of it, even though there is a lot already. The last stage mostly consists of tricky cycle needle, and has a very short learny avoidance in the middle of it. I think that the second to last save feels more like a final save than the actual final save, which felt a little weird to me, but that's a minor detail.

The bosses in this game all have some issues, despite having insane production value and mostly well-designed attacks. All of them, aside from the first 2 phases of final boss, tend to drag on for a while. Each boss has a lot of HP, most of them having more than they should.

Boss 1 has way too much HP for how simple that fight is, such that it ends up being around 3 mins to kill it despite it only having 4 very basic attacks. This fight also brings to light one of the most annoying things about this game. Why is the range on the player's bullets so short? It makes no sense, and can make getting decent damage really frustrating sometimes. I think this boss would be completely fine if it had less HP because all of the attacks are cool, but the fight just goes on a little bit too long.

Boss 2 also shares the issue of dragging on for too long, but I think in this case the issue could be resolved by allowing the player to damage the boss by shooting its tail as well as its head, so that each attack allows for the boss to receive a decent punishment. Personally I love this boss, the length doesn't bother me too much. I think the way this boss works is really cool, and I love that the angry charge it does makes use of the momentum you can gain from the arena. I think the maker did a very good job at incorporating the stage's gimmick into this boss without making it frustrating.

The final boss is split into 3 phases.

Phase 1 is relatively simple, the boss has 3 attacks that you need to learn how to dodge, 2 of which have variants that change the way you avoid the attack. This phase has slightly too much HP, but otherwise I think this phase is good.

Phase 2 is very cool. I think this phase has the perfect amount of HP and attack variety for the type of fight it tries to be, especially with how crazy the last part gets. Though once again, the bullet range can be very very annoying here. The short range for your shots make it really hard to hit a lot of the missiles to send them back for big damage. The missiles are also just generally quite hard to hit sometimes for some reason, I assume the bullets are passing through them at some angles because of how thin they are.

Phase 3 is the biggest problem with the game. It's a 5+ minute long very visually epic battle, and it looks awesome on the surface, but I have some big problems with this part of the fight. The first problem being, of course, this phase is WAY too long. This fight is split up into 3 subsections. An outer ring, an inner ring, and the center. Each section takes place on a rotating platform circle, and the first 2 sections have you shooting at these crystals attached to the boss' forcefield. The first section, the outer ring, is really simple once you get the hang of how to do it efficiently, and gets quite boring to do at the start of each attempt, as it's around a minute or so of just shooting crystals and moving down the platform circle at the right timing. The second section, the inner ring, is probably the most fine part of this phase. This section has less crystals for you to shoot, but each crystal has more HP. The boss introduces a new attack here, while also keeping an old attack from the first section, the electricity wave. This electricity wave is a constant attack the boss has throughout the entire fight, and i found myself dying quite a few times to not being able to react to it in time. I wish this attack was a little bit slower, because it would make this boss a lot more fair. The third section, the inner ring, features both attacks from the first section, and the new attack from the second section, along with a unique attack for this section. This section projects a huge sphere hologram with red, green, and blue lines, and circle bullets placed at various points on the sphere where lines intersect. One colour will flash, and then a bunch of orbs of that colour will run across that coloured line. The order is always RGB here, but the problem with this section is just how much HP it has, and how much is going on. I've died a few times to the section 1 and 2 attacks overlapping and preventing me from landing on the platform to avoid the section 3 attack. I wish that this section was a little bit less crazy, because it can be quite upsetting to die here to the boss just randomly throwing every attack on top of you at once. This entire phase can be really, really unfair sometimes and I wish it was toned down a bit for a better fight.

Overall, despite my issues, particularly with the last phase of final boss, I really enjoyed this game. I think it could've used a little more time in the oven with some more playtesting to really iron out some of the big issues, but I think it's very much worth playing it regardless. I'm excited to see whatever this maker creates next.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
May 1, 2024
Game is pretty cool, bosses have way too much hp and drag on and can get kinda annoying though and it's sadly really dragging down the enjoymentt of them as they are also kinda cool generally

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 66 66
May 7, 2024
all boss looks cool, but Japanese creator really like to set very high HP for the boss, that is not a good idea, the design looks like from 10 years ago
final boss phase 3 are not that good, the circle bullets too long, and you don't have enough space to avoid, you will die if you get bad luck

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: N/A
May 4, 2024
A decent adventure game with great visuals. There are 3 stages, each ending with a boss. I think most of the platforming is pretty good, the traps in the first stage are pretty well done and the flow of the later stages mostly works. There are some blind jumps you have to do many times throughout the second and third stages and also some of the big jumps can be a little awkward.

The bosses, while visually really cool, leave a lot to be desired. They have way too much HP and drag on for too long, even with the game having built-in autofire. The first boss doesn't have any particularly hard attacks but it drags on for too long. The second boss has a cool idea of using the rail gimmick to move around the arena, but in practice it ends up being pretty lame. You only really have to use the rail at the bottom and you have to time it just right when the boss starts moving or you'll hit its tail. This fight is also rather slow paced and it's hard to do significant damage quickly to the boss without putting yourself at major risk of dying at some points. Due to how basic a lot of its attacks are it feels more like you're fighting the arena and the meta-problem of how long the boss is rather than the boss itself. The final boss has the aforementioned length problem except this time it's 3 phases long. The first phase feels like a more learny version of the first boss, memorizing attacks to then deal damage (although there's one attack where you basically can't do any damage). The second phase is actually pretty good, it's a decent length and it's pretty straight-forward on how it works. The third phase brings back the problem I had with the second boss where it feels more like you're fighting the arena than the boss as you are now fighting on circles of rotating platforms. I think in a game where the player could aim in any direction and the platforms didn't have the unusual snapping mechanics that IWBTG fangames do, this boss would work a lot better. As it is here though, damaging the boss and dodging its attacks feels rather jank and awkward, and can be a little luck-based at times when multiple attacks dogpile your location.

All in all, while I have issues with this game I do still think it is overall pretty decent and I think it may be at least worth trying out. I hope to see more works from this maker in the future!

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 6.6 66       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 31, 2024
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 65 65
Apr 14, 2024