I wanna run the Terminal!

Creator: aqua

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
41.7 / 100
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Adventure (8) Needle (3) Avoidance (1) Trap (9) Gimmick (8) Boss (8)


  • by Klazen108
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Klazen108
  • by Klazen108

34 Reviews:

Run the Terminal is one of those classic Adventure games that I think still holds up to this day. It's got a particular style of trap platforming that I can vibe with easily.

The game is spread out across several stages and even has 4 different bosses. I thought the platforming throughout was especially fun, and the ideas used made for quite a good time. There are a couple of gimmicks thrown about, such as infinite jump pickups as well as a cherry that mirrors your movement and kills you if it touches a spike, and these applications all feel well done with the latter being particularly memorable. I think there are however some latter parts that might be confusing, as they require you to go off the screen to progress, so always keep this in mind if you get stuck.

The bosses are pretty decent, and each has their own idea to them. One boss is a cherry that requires you to collect Infinite Jump refills in order to not fall to your death. Another requires you to shoot cherries in certain color order in order to prevent massively increasing the difficulty of the fight. The final boss is also pretty fun, though you'll need to be wary about your shooting as the boss's bullets will block your own.

I would definitely recommend this if you like the classic Adventure style and would enjoy some Trap heavy platforming, it made for a really fun time for me.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 44 44
Sep 7, 2022
When I play an older fangame, I approach them with a different set of expectations. That doesn't mean I give them a pass or anything, but it's more like I end up putting myself in a frame of mind that's more conducive to having fun with them. I used to never really touch old fangames specifically because I felt like there wasn't much to offer compared to the more modern and polished design ethos which I generally enjoy more(and still do to be honest.) Also quite frankly, if you go into a game with the belief that you absolutely won't care for it, that's likely how it'll shake out, regardless of the game's actual quality. Sometimes in order to enjoy something, you have to want to enjoy it, and I used to not really be able to.

For me personally, I think I'm really happy that I enjoyed this game. As silly as it is feel this way about enjoying a fucking 2012 fangame, it tells me that I *have* changed as a person since I last put fangames down around the end of 2022. I feel like a slightly less cynical version of myself, one that's able to realize that fangames don't really mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. How I feel about them won't determine my own worth, nor does it affect my social capital or people's opinions of me(at least the people I care about.)

I am very critical of myself. I spend a lot of time in my head and that may be obnoxious to some people. Making sure my thoughts are in order and that I can pilot my flesh vehicle without too much worry has always been important to me, as someone with lots of social anxiety and, recently, formally diagnosed ADHD. I think before this year, the way I felt about not enjoying something was a sense of fear. I sincerely believed that I needed to like what others in my company also liked in order to be worth keeping around. When a lot of people enjoyed something that I didn't though, that felt like an attack on me.

"No, you shouldn't enjoy this. That might mean I have to explain why I dislike something and that in turn might mean people won't want to talk with me." I thought. Then I instead just said I disliked something because I'm impulsive, and when I'm impulsive I explain things not only badly and also disrespectfully. But I digress. What I'm trying to say with this is my vigilance over my thoughts and how I filtered them through what other people thought of *me* led to a kind of toxic relationship with fangames. I couldn't enjoy the older ones because I was too worried I would dislike them, and eventually I burnt out because existing that way isn't conducive to enjoying a hobby.

It's only with a year long break from fangames, lots of therapy and life changes, and just a general change in mindset that I was able to come back without that being as much of a burden on me. The craziest part to me was that when I wasn't worrying about what other people would think of me, those games I previously struggled to enjoy were more fun all of a sudden.

That's why it means a lot to me that I enjoyed this fangame. I'm glad I'm more willing to let myself have fun with an old trapventure. If you want an actual review of this game's quality, just read Canus' instead because the sentiments mostly echo my own. My delfruit reviews are first and foremost a way to talk about how a game made me feel, and this one happened to make me feel like this. Thanks for reading!

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 20, 2023
Trap - based fangame with some gimmicks

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 40 40
Jan 7, 2017
Troll game, last few screens gets a bit confusing, but it's fun in the end.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 8, 2015
Super fun adventure game with a lot of traps, the traps are nothing too complex but they never overstay their welcome or feel excessive. A lot of the obstacles in this game felt very unique, whether it be how you dodge a trap, the route through a room, or gimmicks like the blue cherry that matches your horizontal or vertical position. There's some pretty alright bosses, and overall the game just feels really nice to play. Recommended if you like traps.

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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 37 37
Apr 16, 2024