4 Reviews:
UPDATE: Cleared 3.5 years later. For the fish jump you have to wait a few cycles which is dumb. Last stage was actually slightly fun. final boss was a terrible experience and nobody should have ever made an abomination like that, so the 0 score is damn deserved.
[Not cleared; difficulty rating for the game until the save I got to, which I do not understand how to pass]
This is an adventure game with spikes, gimmicks traps etc and can be summarized with one word: INCOMPETENCE. It's unbelievable to me how you can make a game look good but gameplaywise make it as bad as this. Terrible triggers, sometimes fucked up hitboxes, incredibly terrible designed bossfights, hardest parts at the end of saves, sometimes long waiting because of terribly made cycles. As I stated, I haven't cleared the game, I quit in stage 4 because of some jump that to me seems impossible and I can't figure out a way to do it. I'd be very surprised if the guy tested this game because no more than about a minute or two of this was anything off of awful.
[0] Likes
[Not cleared; difficulty rating for the game until the save I got to, which I do not understand how to pass]
This is an adventure game with spikes, gimmicks traps etc and can be summarized with one word: INCOMPETENCE. It's unbelievable to me how you can make a game look good but gameplaywise make it as bad as this. Terrible triggers, sometimes fucked up hitboxes, incredibly terrible designed bossfights, hardest parts at the end of saves, sometimes long waiting because of terribly made cycles. As I stated, I haven't cleared the game, I quit in stage 4 because of some jump that to me seems impossible and I can't figure out a way to do it. I'd be very surprised if the guy tested this game because no more than about a minute or two of this was anything off of awful.
Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: 77 77
May 24, 2020