I wanna be the Torinokawa

Creator: you

Average Rating
7.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
64.0 / 100
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Avoidance (9)


  • by Zambrini
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by Sudnep
  • by GaspacoZanis

19 Reviews:

It's the most interesting avoidance for me!
I'm trying to beat it 100 times!

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 45 45
May 30, 2015
Very unique avoidance made by you and also my first cleared game by this creator (took around 16 hours)

Long time ago, like 2 years ago, I had dream to clear one day some you avoidances. He seemed very original creator, but games also very insane. The one, which interested me a lot, was this avoidance, butback then I couldn't even beat properly first attack. But later on (I guess somewhere in late 2018) I decided to look on this avoidance and grind a little bit, and in summer 2019 I decided to grind it to the end. This avoidance is guess is one of the most famous ones from this creator (I guess, thanks, to I Wanna Break The Series Z 3, which had involved this avoidance. And I really admire this avoidance and its gameplay!

Avoidance itself is both pattern and RNG-heavy, so it won't be easy avoidance even if you look strats on youtube, like I did. The beginning is pretty easy, both RNG and beginning patterns seem very fair and not too hard, but when starts pretty fast first chorus (I guess it is chorus,right?), you will notice that it is going to take quite a while, even though it was very fun. I used Sin Kun's strategy, which may seem quite difficult, but actually not too hard, in my opinion, just requires some time to get used to it. Also when you are on platforms, you have to know visual signs to understand what to do, which may seem very hard to understand, but actually you may find out iteventualy, since it is beginning of the avoidance. After that starts RNG part, which is interesting, but in the same time may be quite unfair. Ireally wished that fruits couldn't spawn in the kid, but oh well. After that background changes and screen starts moving, but it really fits and won't distract you. Combined attacks look very unique and original, even though sometimes you may get impossible combinations at different moments. The next part are 2 very unusual patterns, on which I struggled quite a bit at the beginning, since I was confused from them. If you don't understand them, then I can say that those are random patterns. To understand which pattern is coming you should look carefully, which is the last figure to appear - hexagon,pentagon,octagon or rhombus. Each pattern has its own strategy and it is very fun to solve them. I liked that some patterns are very free and you can just stand and do nothing, but on some you have to quite hard maneuvers to dodge properly. After that starts pattern part, which is quite confusing at first, but you can easily get used to it, even though I always felt nervous on it. White Miku was the only phase, which I quite disliked. Attacks are interesting, but RNG can give easy walls and curving fruits are totally not easy to read. After that sarts finale, which is quite hard to understand, and I should admit that I still don't know how it works properly. I would suggest to try different starts until you find the one which seems the best for you and try until it works. I guess its very precise pattern, but I am not fully sure. But the thing I am sure is that white bouncing fruits are actually random, and can really give bad time for you. After that starts post-finale, which I also disliked, since it is very unfair, in my opinion. Luckily, I died only once, and after 1 hour I could beat avoidance, but it could be designed better.

Overall, I really liked this avoidance! It has few issues, which lowers the rating, but I still can strongly recommend this avoidance to every player, who has some experience in fangames and could dea with advanced attacks! Still, my ratings and opinion is based on the fact if you look strategies on youtube, and I guess avoidance is very extreme if you do it blindly, so if you like to do blind playthroughs on games, then maybe avoid this game, unless you are very experienced and if you are ready for the challenge!

P.S. Oh my, I really adore this creator's clear screens! They are really good-looking, in my opinion! [url]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/477060772967481344/609053877563817990/clear.jpg[/url]

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 61 61
Aug 8, 2019
Pretty solid Miku avoidance. The hardest parts are figuring out the pattern on chorus 1 and the ending, but the former becomes really easy once you get it. There's a funny luck-check after chorus 1 with praying giant pink cherries don't spawn on you but I only got killed by it a couple times. The shapes attack I was able to just react to but if you're unable to then you can just memorize the patterns, which is nice. There's another semi luck-check right before final chorus where you gotta get in the middle platform but there can be a ton of cherries in your way. The avoidance is also only 2 min long so if you want something not too long and not too hard to play, this is a good recommendation.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 66 66
Apr 15, 2023
Fun but hard old-school pattern avoidance that has some cool attacks. Some attacks were annoying, but it wasn't too bad. Except pre-final is the worst part because you have to do pattern while dodging tight RNG.

I recommend if you really want to get into 65+ diff Miku avoidances.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 66 66
Jan 16, 2023
The visuals are really good (just like in most of you's avoidances). It's a fairly short avoidance since it only lasts for like 2 minutes but it ain't easy!

It is really pattern heavy with some rng attacks inbetween and those attacks are kinda difficult to figure out. So, if you don't like to play pattern heavy bosses and love to figure out how to do attacks, you probably won't enjoy it.

My only complaint is the pre-last attack which is kinda luck dependent imo, sad x:

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Rating: 8.4 84       Difficulty: 72 72
Apr 28, 2016