6 Reviews:
Mr you's first game. Didn't care about the platforming. The boss was a bit fun, but of course he still didn't have the avoidance art in his hands yet so not really that crazy
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Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 60 60
May 28, 2022
The game has one platforming segment and then an avoidance. The platforming is awful, it has a bunch of traps, invisible blocks and awkwardly placed platforms. The avoidance isn't all that good but it's not bad either. The fight requires alot of learning, especially if you don't want to look up a video. Also, some attacks are completely unfair, having a bouncing apples attack with the lovetrap screen layout is never a good idea. I did have fun learning some attacks though.
Overall, the game isn't terrible but it's definitely not something I'd recommend. If you want to play a you game I'd recommend you trying out Torinokawa or R.O.C.K.E.T.
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Overall, the game isn't terrible but it's definitely not something I'd recommend. If you want to play a you game I'd recommend you trying out Torinokawa or R.O.C.K.E.T.
Rating: 4.2 42
Difficulty: 50 50
Apr 18, 2015