5 Reviews:
The title translates to "I wanna be the punishment game"
Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 0.5 5
Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 11, 2015
yes, my favorite gate_jump game with a horrible boss
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Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 67 67
Oct 8, 2023
you can skip all of the harder screens by just sitting on the lift block and letting it clip you through the floor until you get to the boss, which is just a series of moving gate jumps that you have to survive while waiting for a chance to shoot. in a way this is basically just that one fangame where you have to do like 192 gate jumps except this time with saves
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Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: 25 25
Nov 8, 2019