I wanna go across the Crimson Rainbow

Creator: ケール

Average Rating
7.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
68.1 / 100
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Needle (18) Crimson (5) Kale (4)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Anonymous

48 Reviews:

Pretty solid moderate length (20ish rooms) needle game with a heavy focus on tighter maneuvers and shorter saves. Each area felt like it had a distinct style for the needle. Quality felt a little varied - especially with the screens that focused on a single formation seemed kinda meh - but those problems would not persist past the screen and for the most part the needle stayed well varied.

Production wise, its static, bland and has some fairly questionable audio issues.

Overall its probably worth playing if you want some shorter-save fairly difficult needle but I wouldn't put it up there as a needle must-play by any means.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Jul 21, 2018
A really solid needle game in terms of the level designs. A lot of non-generic jumps that challenge the player the way a needle game should. Game is broken up into various stages each themed with a different color, all using the classic crimson style blocks. The difficulty spikes a bit in the green section in the middle of the game, but overall it's an interesting and challenging needle game. I won't spoil the ending, but WOW!

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 16, 2015
Good, but certainly not great. Definitely shows its age.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 30, 2022
I have mixed and really strange feelings about this needle. Overall it was good, but it feels kinda... faded. Maybe it was because normal difficulty not giving you good balance and some saves are far harder than others. Maybe design of the jumps itself is kinda repetative. I don't really know. Objectively, pretty good needle to spend 1-2 sessions on it; subjectively, i kinda reject this game for no specific reason

(Really strange note at the end - acrid feeling from the game might be connected with my issue of rainbow-style in general)

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 6, 2022
decent game. weird save balance but overall pretty fun, with a couple kinda unfun saves sprinkled in.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 11, 2019