I wanna play the Rubber Trap

Creator: わごむん

Average Rating
6.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
19.4 / 100
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Needle (1) Medley (3) Boss (2) 100_Floor (11) x_Floor (1) 100-Floor (1) Beginner_Friendly (1)


  • by Emmanating
  • by Emmanating
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Emmanating
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol

43 Reviews:

Beginner-Friendly 100F (like BlowGame), also relaxing

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Tagged as: 100_Floor
[3] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 13 13
Apr 12, 2015
Very cool 100-floor game. It's very easy, but it's worth playing if you want to take a break from the hard fangames. The musics are awesome and perfectly well-chosen (Mainly the ones at the last floors), and so are the stages. The level design is very good, and you can see a few screens from other games scattered here and there (I haven't played enough fangames to know if all of them are like that, or if it's just at some floors), with changed tilesets and background to fit the stage.
It's a very relaxing game, and the low difficulty helps to make the game enjoyable. Would recommend if you're looking for something easy to play.

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Tagged as: Medley x_Floor
[1] Like
Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 19 19
Mar 13, 2015
不算太難 可以玩這個來練練手

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 25 25
May 6, 2022
An easy 100F game with many different songs. Its a nice walk through for an experienced player. Some of the stages gives other routes that are more challenging to take to get through a floor which when I was a beginner I would avoid but can do. I can thank the more challenging games for helping to shape up my skills. Nothing hard or frustrating the 80F and up did start to show some difficulty with more spike placement but easy none the less. I would recommend. I'd rate it alittle higher if the music didn't restart everytime you die.

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Tagged as: Boss 100_Floor
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 17 17
Nov 22, 2020
Pretty fun, creative, easy hundred-floor game. Would recommend.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 15 15
Nov 22, 2020