57 Reviews:
Jack: Hey how's it going? I'm Jack! And today, I'm here to tell you about the word, gate! Now gate is an amazing jump that has two fantastic spikes and one awesome space! Here let me show ya! oh no... OH MAN! I totally forgot to bring a gate! This is embarrassing... Okay don't worry, we can find one. C'mon let's go find a gate! Elmo: STOP! Jack: Sorry Elmo I can't stop at the spike jump right now, I'm busy looking for a gate. Elmo: STOP! Jack: Okay, Elmo, I see the spike jump but I have to find a gate! If I stop how can I find a gate? How Elmo? How? Elmo: Stop! Jack: gasp Wait a minute! Look! This spike jump, has one, two glorious spikes, and one stunning space! This spike jump is a gate! We found a gate! Elmo: Yeah yeah yeah! Both: GATE!
[33] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 5 5
Jun 19, 2018
I Did It.We accolpished the jump first TRY! itit wwaass ssoo coeaosly..!>>!>>!> Simple a difference idnn skilland the clear screen was so cool. Reminded me of home. :) make sure you can 5 frame btw that's kinda important solano you can double jump the gjump instead of 5 frame, oh yeah true.
[7] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 10 10
Aug 8, 2023