3 Reviews:
This needle game is just straight up annoying, don't remember much about it other than suffering in like 5 different screens due to some of the stuff you have to pull off. Some of the other screens are ok, so I still don't think it is like completely irredeemable, but I would not recommend it personally.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 13, 2023
Absolutely atrocious needle game, featuring 3 stages with 25 screens each and a secret, a room with another secret and a final stage. Most of the jumps are corners, diagonals, inverts, ledges etc; absolutely no difficulty balance at all; random traps at the end of long screens. The secrets seemingly don't even do anything besides when you get them they put you back at the start of the room, making you have to redo the entire room. Do yourself a favor and don't play this.
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Rating: 0.1 1
Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 12, 2020