I wanna be the Man

Creator: Dekamayro

Average Rating
1.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
28.0 / 100
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1 Review:

Unfortunately this was one of the first fangames I've ever played. Some fangames have original gimmicks but they are broken. Some have unoriginal gimmicks, but at least they work as intended. Then there is this, where the creator couldn't get even the most basic and overused gimmicks to work properly. On top of that, being one of those old kayin forum games, it relies way too much on dickmoves and stupid traps and it has tons of unfunny and badly designed bosses. Basically, it's a glitchy broken unfunny mess. Wouldn't recommend.

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Rating: 1.2 12       Difficulty: 28 28
Dec 16, 2016