21 Reviews:
Rating doesn't include extra, but will probably be updated when I do get around to it.
Neat needle game, definitely harder that I thought it would be (for a few reasons). Cool visually, musically, and plays very well. Difficulty curve was a little inconsistent with some saves in Blue/Green area. Additionally, Blue stage was a bit much for me as a whole, but overall I enjoyed the entire game regardless of personal gripes. Was very fun to grind and felt rewarding to clear.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice challenge/test to their needle, or anyone who wants to casually grind through a needle game. Based on what I've seen out of extra, I'll hold off for now but will definitely come back to it.
Once again, excellent game.
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Neat needle game, definitely harder that I thought it would be (for a few reasons). Cool visually, musically, and plays very well. Difficulty curve was a little inconsistent with some saves in Blue/Green area. Additionally, Blue stage was a bit much for me as a whole, but overall I enjoyed the entire game regardless of personal gripes. Was very fun to grind and felt rewarding to clear.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice challenge/test to their needle, or anyone who wants to casually grind through a needle game. Based on what I've seen out of extra, I'll hold off for now but will definitely come back to it.
Once again, excellent game.
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 78 78
Jan 10, 2017