29 Reviews:
Rating doesn't include extra because those jumps don't sound very friendly to me.
Interesting needle trials fangame. I've been stuck somewhere close to the end for quite a long time, so I'm not really sure about the length, but the readme file says that there are 50 rooms, so I'll go with that. There are quite a few tough jumps (Including a downwards plane with corners, but don't worry, you can save jump, which makes your life a lot easier), and some of them are quite uncommon. The visuals and the music are nice (The music doesn't restart and the death sound is low, by the way). Would recommend.
Interesting needle trials fangame. I've been stuck somewhere close to the end for quite a long time, so I'm not really sure about the length, but the readme file says that there are 50 rooms, so I'll go with that. There are quite a few tough jumps (Including a downwards plane with corners, but don't worry, you can save jump, which makes your life a lot easier), and some of them are quite uncommon. The visuals and the music are nice (The music doesn't restart and the death sound is low, by the way). Would recommend.
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.6 56
Difficulty: 54 54
Apr 28, 2015
Not much to say, it's alright.
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 17, 2015