I wanna repair my Control 2

Creator: Anhimdm

Average Rating
3.0 / 10
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Needle (1)


  • by Noa
  • by Noa

1 Review:

(Note: No diff rating as I haven't beaten, however I have beaten at least half of it and after seeing the rest of the game I can rest assured that it does not get better later)

This appears to be a parody of the medley genre. Scrolling white grid background plus white outline blocks/spikes, a whole slew of generic jumps with no regards to overall playability, titlecards that seem to just commentate about the rooms rather than indicate games they're borrowing from (likely meaning this is original content), multiple backtracks with a warp flying around the screen, and the classic k3 soundtrack. Saveblockers thankfully do not exist however the usefulness of that abuse varies greatly. Stopped on a screen that had a doublejump diamond 10 seconds into a save followed by an extremely obnoxious backtrack. Would highly recommend to refrain from this game even if you are a fan of generic jumps.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 27, 2021