11 Reviews:
Great needle game with color-themed stages. There's an avoidance at the end but it's pretty reasonable. If you liked Crimson Rainbow you will probably like this as well.
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 26, 2015
A long, 6-stage needle game followed by a short avoidance boss. One of the stages (yellow) has a gravity gimmick, but the rest are pure platforming.
I really enjoyed this game - each stage has a pretty color theme, and the music is great. There's a small difficulty curve, although it basically starts moderately difficult and becomes fairly serious needle by the end. You can pick the first three stages in any order, then you can clear the fourth and fifth the same way, although you need to clear everything beforehand to reach the sixth stage and the boss. The boss was significantly easier than the stages, imo, but still fun.
Basically feels like a harder, more needle-y version of across the rainbow. Highly recommended.
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I really enjoyed this game - each stage has a pretty color theme, and the music is great. There's a small difficulty curve, although it basically starts moderately difficult and becomes fairly serious needle by the end. You can pick the first three stages in any order, then you can clear the fourth and fifth the same way, although you need to clear everything beforehand to reach the sixth stage and the boss. The boss was significantly easier than the stages, imo, but still fun.
Basically feels like a harder, more needle-y version of across the rainbow. Highly recommended.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 25, 2015