15 Reviews:
Mostly unfun jumps, tons of planes, there's even some double upward and downward planes so have fun. Game looks shit, restarting music, only cleared it for fsr.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 67 67
Jun 7, 2024
Practice hard jumps... is better use jtool.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 74 74
Oct 21, 2023
Honestly kind of fun to run through, except for the inordinate number of downward planes.
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 63 63
Aug 30, 2022
10 stages of roughly increasing difficulty, each containing a handful of warps leading to a room themed around a single jump, usually with a few variations, with the exception of the final stage where the warps contain 1 hard relatively unique jump. Has an extra stage which requires cancels; Otherwise I am fairly certain it can be cleared without any tech or any jump lower than a 2f (EX stage does require tech/cancels though). Saves are generously provided and there are no saveblockers, allowing you to cheese a few things as a result. The game shows your valign, x position, vspeed and amount of time shift was held, all completely useless as the game is not hard enough to warrant needing to look at your valign, aligns are more of a headache to derive from x position than it is to do relative calculations, and the two other stats are useless unless looked at mid-jump, something that is ill-advised. Overall a good way to kill 20 minutes.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 31, 2021
What this game is, is a bunch of fangame tactics and complex jumps, including aligns, jumpcancel, etc.
Visually it's not the best thing in the world. default tilesets.
I would recommend this if you want to practice some difficult jumps or other tactics. Otherwise, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.
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Visually it's not the best thing in the world. default tilesets.
I would recommend this if you want to practice some difficult jumps or other tactics. Otherwise, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.
Rating: 5.1 51
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 17, 2016