I Wanna Kill the Sudoku

Creator: Aelya

Average Rating
5.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.5 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (6) Trap (4) Medley (20) Special (6) Meme (12) Troll (10) Joke (1) Sudoku (6) Troll_Boss (1)


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  • by Xplayerlol
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  • by Bob
  • by Bob
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  • by Anonymous

44 Reviews:

I went into this game thinking it would be horrible as of the reviews i read. Turns out this became one of my favorite fangames.

The game is very fun and had me laughing quite a few times.
The screens had no major spike and were cool! (besides Shameless Selfpromotion and Rainbow Road)
Really fitting music

I somehow enjoyed this fangame more than the 2 more serious medleys i have played (k1 and c1). As long as you don't take the game seriously and just play it for the funny you should have a wonderful time!

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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 54 54
Dec 9, 2022
I had fun with a lot of screens, I really did. But the penalty room in F Stage brings this down from at best a 7/10 all the way down to a 0/10 for me. It is THE WORST experience I've ever had in a fangame so far.

BIG EDIT: So since I played this entire game muted, I was only JUST informed (after already clearing the game) that in the Gay Lizard penalty room I mentioned above, your controls are only reversed after a sound is made. Since I played muted, I thought it was completely random which is why I considered it to be the worst experience I ever had. (Seriously, try clearing that screen muted 10+ times like I had to) Turns out I'm just an idiot so I'll bump this up to a solid 5/10.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 14, 2021
Shameless self-promotion and Rainbow road stands out as the worst screens to me.

Also, seizure warning as this game does have flashing colors in the later stages.

Edit: After replaying this game, it's way worse than I remembered

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Tagged as: Medley Sudoku
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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 24, 2020
The game that sparked the sudoku genre. Kill the Sudoku is a collection of "special" (read: bad) games. Unfortunately, it being the progenitor of sudoku means it doesn't have our modern understanding of sudoku. That is, these days sudoku means "so bad it's good", but many of the screen picks in this game are just bad. This includes precision needle, awkward but humorless platforming, and a few instances of offensive content. Ultimately, this game manages to be a decent game, if you can find it in yourself to enjoy trashy needle, but it fails at being funny. There are only a few instances where the screen picks are actually funny, most of them are just bland and annoying. There are a lot of unfunny memes (perhaps they were funny in 2015), and none of the intentionally memey picks really land. The best picks are those that involve wacky gimmicks and the luck checks. Those are pretty close to modern sudoku. Unfortunately, most of the game is memes and bad needle, which for the most part fails to be funny. One of my biggest complaints is the music choices, which start out as fun, classic memes, but progressively devolve into annoying, unfunny songs. Since the game gets harder over time, this means you're listening to the worst songs for the longest.

Overall, this game is actually really interesting to play from a historical perspective, and I would easily recommend it to people interested in fangame history. For sudoku fans, it's a more questionable recommendation, but I think it still has enough merit to be played. I shouldn't have to say this, but if you're not in those groups, don't play this game!

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Medley Meme Sudoku
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 25, 2023
Aside from stage 10 this is pretty funny and almost competent. Stage 10 suuuuuuuuucks tho. Good shit if youve been in the community for a while

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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 56 56
May 14, 2017