I wanna know the everlasting stories

Creators: ニル, 熊武

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
86.3 / 100
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Avoidance (6) Barrage (2) SourPls (1)


  • by Normal
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Normal
  • by NightShark115

15 Reviews:

Everlasting Stories is a 2 minute barrage-focused avoidance with a couple of learny attacks as well as fun and fast-paced segments. It also features a final attack that's the equivalent of a bus of clowns crashing down your front door and all you can do is cower in the corner and hope they don't recruit you into clown college.

A large majority of the attacks are very RNG-heavy, most of which become very improved-upon over the course of the grind. A good example is the white-bouncing orb attack which despite how questionable it can be, begins to feel weirdly readable with good strats to help alleviate the hijinks it gets up to. The long lines attack before the blue pinwheel pattern also becomes very consistent and is something I felt was one of the most balanced attacks in the entire fight, utilizing a nice mix of pattern, aimed and RNG as well as manoeuvring around the arena within a short space of time. The patterns such as the blue pinwheel are also pretty fun to execute, although slightly daunting to learn initially.

The last 30 seconds of the avoidance are a complete clown show. The diagonal-shifting attack can just often be way too dense and unreasonable even with different strats which feels very unrewarding. The following couple of barrages can also very easily be a mess given you're forced to change position fast but some bad RNG can more or less block off your timing, making you rely on good luck to get out.

As for the final attack, it consists of 4 different bullet bursts, some of which home in on you, one curves and the last one is just a fiesta of the highest degree. It's intense and adrenaline pumping, but the more I died here the more I realised even despite a few reads I was making, I had to rely on at least some luck to carry me through it which just sapped the enjoyment out of the grind.

Still, I did have fun grinding this, and as an avoidance it's really well made to the song with a variety of very pretty and interesting attacks. I just wish some elements of the fight were less fiesta-like because it started to dampen the fun for me.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Barrage SourPls
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 88 88
Jun 7, 2019
If not for the ending and bouncing, it would be a fantastic boss. Would recommend to nobody.

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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 92 92
Feb 12, 2019
very cool barrage boss.
good balanced between patterns and RNGs, I felt patterns are a bit hard to learn.
some RNGs are unfair, like white bound and first attack of the no-platform part
you should play this if you are looking for fun and well made barrage :)

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Tagged as: Avoidance Barrage
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 82 82
Mar 7, 2017
Bouncing is pretty awful. There are moments where I would die to it over and over and moments where I would pass it over and over. It's the biggest drawback of this avoidance because sometimes you just get hard stuck on it with the RNG, but if that doesn't happen you'll have a great time. I think everything else in the avoidance is pretty fair though, and as long as I was focused I was able to get to final fairly consistently. I actually don't think the no block section is any harder than the stuff before it, I was able to do the attacks there with good enough consistency. But maybe the extra adrenaline of being there made me play better compared to doing the earlier attacks. Final is very much a clown fest but most of my deaths to it were my fault. Overall I'd recommend it if you're good enough to play it and if you like the song. The avoidance itself goes with the music very nicely.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 85 85
Mar 17, 2024
Quite a brilliant game.Even though there were still some bullshit like the white bouncing and some instant direction changes, this avoidance is still among the very few games I would like to recommend in all the RNG-heavy avoidance I've played.
if you are interested in hard RNG-heavy avoidance, try it

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Rating: 8.4 84       Difficulty: 87 87
May 25, 2023