I wanna be the C

Creator: Xichicer

Average Rating
6.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
70.2 / 100
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Avoidance (9) Visual_Challenge (1) RNG (1) Barrage (4) Epilepsy_Warning (2) DotHitbox (1)


  • by Zorgo
  • by Zambrini
  • by Zorgo
  • by AndresSgarrido

19 Reviews:

A pretty difficult RNG-heavy dot hitbox avoidance with a good song choice, good production value, but unfortunately a lot of very questionable attacks, a lot of which are either annoying-to-learn patterns, or RNG clown fiesta attacks which can spawn a bullet on top of you with next to no warning. The balancing is quite bad, with attacks ranging from completely free to suddenly spiking in difficulty so much you pretty much end up just praying for good RNG in a lot of the situations. While it was at least not boring and I definitely had some fun playing this, I would not really recommend it, especially over a lot of this maker's other avoidances.

Also, HEAVY EPILEPSY WARNING for the figure infinity attack, which quickly flashes red and blue making it an eyesore and which is probably the worst example of a flashing effect I've seen in an avoidance.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Visual_Challenge RNG Barrage Epilepsy_Warning
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 75 75
Mar 1, 2021
A barrage with some unbalanced attacks. Despite this, it was pretty fun albeit dumb because of some of the attacks like tomo lines and trying to figure out how the infinite jump section worked. It also has a really bad flashing lights effect in the middle of the avoidance. So be warned. Fun if you can deal with getting bad RNG from time to time.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Barrage
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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 71 71
Jun 3, 2023
This avoidance is pretty fun and grindable with a great song, but design-wise it has some problems. Most of the attacks are RNG. Of these attacks, the majority of them have the possibility to instakill you by spawning a bullet on your position or shooting a bullet at you that was impossible to react to. The few pattern attacks range from extremely easy and boring to being so precise and hard to read that they almost require a video and many attempts of practice. The worst part of this game is definitely that the attacks needed more balancing. Even though it is a bit unfair, it's not that hard overall and is pretty short. I'd still recommend it to people who like avoidances.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 65 65
Jul 31, 2016
Great avoidance game, one of my favorite. Some attacks can be mildly unfair but fortunately not often. Attacks are also well synchronized with the song, which is really hype !

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 74 74
Apr 1, 2016
Overall well designed avoidance, few attacks are unbalanced, like the infinite jump phase attacks,
effects and visuals are nice, the flashes can be annoying for many players though.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 4, 2015