31 Reviews:
Tricky fangame based on a flash game called "This is the only level", but with plenty of fangame references. Very well-made, good-looking, makes use of plenty of gimmicks, including some that I don't think that were ever used in a fangame. This game has also a puzzle-ish nature, and there's a text at the top hinting what should you do in each room (Or what does each room do to you, if there's a gimmick involved), which makes everything more or less doable.
I'm not fond of the music choices, mainly at the chase stage, and some (Few) gimmicks were quite uninteresting to use (Arkham Knight, to name one, is just a Lag+ gimmick, unless I'm missing something), but other than that, it's a very good and unique fangame. Highly recommended.
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I'm not fond of the music choices, mainly at the chase stage, and some (Few) gimmicks were quite uninteresting to use (Arkham Knight, to name one, is just a Lag+ gimmick, unless I'm missing something), but other than that, it's a very good and unique fangame. Highly recommended.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 31 31
Aug 4, 2015
Good puzzle game.
I'm sure that if you go to the next room, the unfairness will disappear.
(I did wonder about the light and spin room and the NANG room, though. ......)
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I'm sure that if you go to the next room, the unfairness will disappear.
(I did wonder about the light and spin room and the NANG room, though. ......)
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 30 30
Nov 20, 2021
Really interesting concept that is bogged down by some strange physics issues a slightly unfair final chase. I found myself being stuck to the corners of blocks and vines way too frequently and I feel like the final chase has you learning new gimmicks in such a time-sensitive manner which leads to some unfair deaths. However, I liked almost all of the gimmicks of each room and it's pretty fun learning how to solve each one. Overall, I think this is a great beginner game and the gimmicks and ideas overpower the glitchy physics and problematic final chase. I recommend it.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 35 35
Aug 17, 2020
Interesting concept, it has some good ideas but some was too much uninstinctive imo.
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Rating: 7.9 79
Difficulty: 25 25
Oct 21, 2019