5 Reviews:
This avoidance is insanely boring. It looks cool and chaotic when you see it the first time but that is deceptive. Once you know the beginning patterns the fight gets very boring. A lot of the attacks are really free and there is a lot of downtime just waiting as well. And then there are attacks that are either free or stupidly hard depending on your rng, with the hardest part being at the end. The fight gives you dothitbox, but it's really poorly made and presumably uses the bowcode, which means it lags behind you when you run, so you have the hitbox in your butt while running or turning around which makes you die way more than you should and only adds to the annoyance. Would advice not to play this.
[2] Likes
Rating: 0.5 5
Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 19, 2020
I like what was done for the theme of the boss and how it goes with the music, but Yiaz is pretty on point with the description. The boss has this structure where it will be some really easy patterns, and then suddenly a burst of RNG that either kills you or doesn't. The final part is super cool in theory but it is the peak of how terrible the RNG is in this game is. I still had some fun with it but I can imagine being unluckier and feeling completely terrible.
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 10, 2023