I wanna send Sins into Space

Creator: Pandy49

Average Rating
7.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.5 / 100
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Needle (4) Avoidance (5) Astronaut (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

10 Reviews:


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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 49 49
Oct 8, 2017
He did it in space...

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Astronaut
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 12, 2019
Astronaut Colonel

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 8.7 87       Difficulty: 63 63
Jan 18, 2019
Rating and difficulty based on my experience re-playing this game's avoidance in 2024.

So originally I have played this game in 2020 for FSR avoidance challenge, but never got to writing review.

Initially I remember taking most of my time on needle. It was not the most fun thing, honestly. I remember didliking several things, but now the only thing I can barely remember is the weird drop save at some point.

Needle is not necessarily the hardest thing in the game. I would probably say it is pretty much as hard as an avoidance going after it. Still, the only decent thing is visual design for needle. Gameplay is pretty generic and not very remarkable.

Avoidance is the reason this game exists and you can tell it if you just read the title. It is game about sending Johnny Sins in space. Well, rather generic avoidance with Johnny Sin's sprite. Actually, 2 sprites, he and his gray form. Both of these phases are pretty long, in total making gameplay of around 4 minutes long. And, damn, both forms are annoying.

Avoidance has dot hitbox, but you can tell that author made 2 very different and unrelated phases, realized gameplay is too hard and just put dot hitbox to nerf it.

Attacks themselves are consisting from very standard curvings twisted in different ways and other very unremarkable attacks.

The issue is that it just feels as if nothing is going on. You have attacks which are easily doable and attacks which can give you the most unnecessary situations ever. What the hell is that final attack of first phase? Or bouncing attack which is literally unpredictable?

Or what about 2nd phase, where you have bunch of attacks where you need to reavt on hyper speed bullets or curvings mixed with straight RNG, ready to go towards you if you get a bit unlucky.

Unnecessary orbit-like pattern, bunch of diagonal or vertical falling dense bullets, where you have little space to operate. And also not the most cool pre-finale.

And then you beat avoidance, get credits... what do you mean in this game there was used song "Hold Angel" ? I do not remember that there... weird.

What do you mean "What is that noise?" ??? Omg...

Yes, this avoidance has another phase after credits. It is styled as if it is phase 4 of Last TIS, and you can see for what author was going to.

This phase is short but what a cluster of attacks it is. It is probably the hardest thing in avoidance. You really need to read it well enough to not die. I was lucky first time to beat it like 3 tries, but on 2nd playthrough I was not as lucky.

Yes, you do not have checkpoint. You have to rebeat the whole thing again if you die. At least you can skip credits by pressing S.

But like come on. It is not a "Haha choke phase" , which would work somehow. After dying once, you will expect to beat it, not dying several more times. Because rebeating 4 / 5 minutes of content (depends if you rest on crefits) here is not that fun.

After beating game you get practice warps. I had no intentions on beating needle, so I tried practicing avoidance for 2nd clear. And, instead of 1.5 hours like first time, this time it took more than 2 times longer. I had practiced...

I was fine with the game first time, but now it was just an infuriating experience. Niw I noticed that the only thing tying all phases is obnoxiously loud sound and white flash between phase 1 and 2 and just sound after credits.

This game was made as a meme, which did not age that well, because game did no try a bit harder to impress the player.

I like the idea of fake credits, but I do not appreciate mini Last TIS phase 4. Come on...

If you can first try hard parts, then I can understand why someone could find it as a fun experience. Hey, even I enjoyed it for the reason of beating fast!

Otherwise, if you feel unsure about avoidance or needle, I think it is better to skip this one. You won't lose a lot.

Highly would not recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 3.8 38       Difficulty: 61 61
Apr 26, 2024
Okay needle, fun barrage (i didn't like third phase tho)

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 66 66
Sep 6, 2022