40 Reviews:
Fun game. Good and not so hard platforming (expect second to last room) with fun avoidance in the end.
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Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 24, 2017
Nice needle fangame with an avoidance in the end
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Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 50 50
Jan 7, 2017
Shouldn't be a problem for any average or experienced player. If you have a problem doing vine jumps, it might be a bit of a grind in terms of the first screen, but everything else is pretty vanilla besides the triggers later in the game. The second to last screen saw some time, but overall, every screen did well in challenging me with average to above average jumps without seeming unfair or annoying. Very well done on the platforming.
Excellent. The rng was easy enough to dodge consistently while still being challenging with elements like curving. The pattern attacks not only looked fantastic; they added some difficulty to the avoidance without being super precise. One issue I did have was after the third save with the star-like attacks seemingly blending in with some slow orbs falling from the ceiling, but with enough focus it shouldn't be a problem for anyone experienced in avoidance. Also very well done on the avoidance.
Looks great all around. Music was top tier. Overall atmosphere was hype and colorful. Everything anyone could really ever ask for if you're into all that stuff. All aesthetic factors were great.
Overall Rating:
Really nice needle that offers a small challenge but is good enough to relax and chill with. The usage of vines and triggers really added a nice element to such an already great segment of platforming. The avoidance ended the game well, with some slow but still challenging and aesthetically pleasing attacks. Shouldn't take long for most players. Overall, very good game, would recommend to anyone.
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Shouldn't be a problem for any average or experienced player. If you have a problem doing vine jumps, it might be a bit of a grind in terms of the first screen, but everything else is pretty vanilla besides the triggers later in the game. The second to last screen saw some time, but overall, every screen did well in challenging me with average to above average jumps without seeming unfair or annoying. Very well done on the platforming.
Excellent. The rng was easy enough to dodge consistently while still being challenging with elements like curving. The pattern attacks not only looked fantastic; they added some difficulty to the avoidance without being super precise. One issue I did have was after the third save with the star-like attacks seemingly blending in with some slow orbs falling from the ceiling, but with enough focus it shouldn't be a problem for anyone experienced in avoidance. Also very well done on the avoidance.
Looks great all around. Music was top tier. Overall atmosphere was hype and colorful. Everything anyone could really ever ask for if you're into all that stuff. All aesthetic factors were great.
Overall Rating:
Really nice needle that offers a small challenge but is good enough to relax and chill with. The usage of vines and triggers really added a nice element to such an already great segment of platforming. The avoidance ended the game well, with some slow but still challenging and aesthetically pleasing attacks. Shouldn't take long for most players. Overall, very good game, would recommend to anyone.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 52 52
Sep 24, 2016
A short, sweet needle/avoidance game with entertaining platforming and REALLY colorful visuals. Maybe too colorful for some. The avoidance has a few more auto-saves than I'd prefer, but that makes it very accessible, and it's very well-synced to the music. Overall the game just exudes a happy electro-pop charm. Lots of fun.
[1] Like
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 50 50
Jan 10, 2016