Creator's Comments:
reb_isaac [Creator]
Short fangame, 6 bosses with attacks you have most likely seen.
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Jan 16, 2016
62 Reviews:
A short little avoidance game where you "practice" each of the boss's attacks with a normal hitbox and then fight the boss with dotkid. Patterns are pretty standard and easy, even on Hardcore mode, and the final boss isn't really anything to write home about. Quite competently produced, though, with good production value. A solid little introduction to certain patterns for beginners, I suppose, but almost criminally short.
[4] Likes
Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 30 30
Jan 16, 2016
Rating is for Hardcore Mode. Difficulty rating is for Average Mode.
Can't think of anything. I do, however, recommend going straight to the Hardcore Mode for a "better" "experience", although it will last as much as a sneeze.
[1] Like
Can't think of anything. I do, however, recommend going straight to the Hardcore Mode for a "better" "experience", although it will last as much as a sneeze.
Rating: 1.9 19
Difficulty: 15 15
Jul 28, 2019
Rating based on Hardcore mode, and includes extra.
Short avoidance collection where you have to beat four single-attack avoidances, followed by a boss that uses stronger versions of the previous avoidances' attacks, but also gives you Dotkid hitbox. The avoidances are way too short and the boss has way too much HP (Also, the yellow attack has some weird hitboxes). The extra avoidance is exactly the same for the normal and for the hardcore mode.
It's just too short to be anything at all, and the boss is annoying as hell. Wouldn't recommend.
[1] Like
Short avoidance collection where you have to beat four single-attack avoidances, followed by a boss that uses stronger versions of the previous avoidances' attacks, but also gives you Dotkid hitbox. The avoidances are way too short and the boss has way too much HP (Also, the yellow attack has some weird hitboxes). The extra avoidance is exactly the same for the normal and for the hardcore mode.
It's just too short to be anything at all, and the boss is annoying as hell. Wouldn't recommend.
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 41 41
Jan 17, 2016
a game when there is easy short bosses (6 sec long) and then 1 dotkid boss and a 5 sec long secret (not really)
[1] Like
Rating: 5.8 58
Difficulty: 25 25
Jan 16, 2016