I wanna be the persimmon needle

Creator: SSS

Average Rating
2.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
32.7 / 100
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Needle (6)


  • by Piranha

12 Reviews:

Tag suggestions:
Needle: "Needle" Cheedle K_Needle L-Needle L_Needle meedle Neddle Need Neede NeedIe Needle Needle. Needle? NeedleButterfly-like Needledance NeedleGimmick Needleish needleventure needle_intermission Needlle Needwe Neegle Neeld Neelde W_Needle
: "50-70_puzzle" "Actually_functioning_game" "Boss" "ftfa-like" "Medley" "Needle" "Puzzle" "Special" )) *unintelligible_sounds* + ++ +1 . 0.01% 1-Frame 1-jump 1-screen 100-Floor 10000 100F 100_Floor 100_Floors 113 15_Floor 16:9 19000_like 1Frame 1jump 1screen 2.5D 200_Floor 2015_game 25+cps 254 25_floor 2F 2spooky4me 30_Floor 32px 35_Floor 3D 3screens 40_floor 44_Floor 4_Stage 4_stages 50_floor 50_Floors 5Head 65_diff 69_Floor 70_floor 8 8-bit 80_floor 80_Floors 92 9gag 9_F :) :3 :tf: <3 ??? A A/Dtrick AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH abdulPls Aboidance absolute_banger Abstract Achievement Achievements Action Action-Adventure Acventure Adeventure Adevnture Adoventure advantrue Advanture Advenrute Advent Adventrue Adventure AdventureTrapBoss Advertisement aesthetic Aiguille alexth9Sup alien Align align_maze All_men_are_brothers Alternative amazing Amogus Amog_Us AmorAltra Ance Android AnimationBounce anime Anime_Girls Anthology Anti anti-avoidance Ao_oni Aphex_Twin Apparently_Humanly_Possible Apparently_Possible AppleBoss Appreciation_Universe April_Fools ArabFunny Arcade Archfoe-like Are_We_There_Yet Arsenic-like Art Art? ARTCOM artistic_vision Arzzt Ashotovka Ashotovka_Series Assassins_Creed_reference Astronaut Atmosphere Atmospheric Auditory_challenge Auto autofire Autoscroller Avant-garde Avant_garde Aventure Average AVGN Avodaince AVOID Avoidacne Avoidance Avoidance? AvoidanceRush Avoidanceventure Avoidance_but_not_really Avoidanve avoidence Awesome B Backrooms Backrooms_Needle Backtrack backtracks Bad badlands Badlands-Like bad_align_corner Bad_Collision bad_engine bad_kayin_forum_game bad_youre_BAAAAD Baginner_Friendly bald balls Banana banger Barrage barrage_needle Based based_real Beach Bear_5 Begginer Begginer_Friendly Begineer_Friendly Beginer beginer_Friendly Beginner Beginner_Friednly Beginner_Friendly Beta BEZ_BAB bfwt_like BGM_restart BigChungus BigKid birthday Birthday_Game Bizarre Black Black_&_White black_and_white Bless_This_Mess Blind_Needle_Game Bloodymare-like blue bnuuy bobby_fischer BobSaget Bocchi Bomberman Boner Bonus boomer_filter Boos Boshy Boshy-like Boshy_clone Boss Boss? Bosses BossHeathbar BossRush Bottleneck Brainfuck Brainrot Break Breakcore breaking_bad Breast Broken Browser bruh brute_of_a_man Brute_of_a_man_clone Bubble Bubble_2 Bug Bugs Bug_Fables builder BulletHell Bummerman222 Burger but_you_might Cactus Cake Canceled capitalism Captain Captain_Davy_Jones car Car_Music car_sex Cat catJAM cease Celeste Certified Chainsaw_Man Challenge Charr_Like Chase Cheedle Chernobyl Chess Chicken Chika Children?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Chill ChillNeedle Chinese_Quiz Choco Choose_your_path Christmas Chungo Classic Clearance_Aisle Clear_Tomorrow Clickteam Clone Cloudscape-like Clown Clownfiesta cn3 cn3-like CNTeleportation coke Collab collect Collectable Collectathon Collision colorful Comedy Communism Concept Conceptual Consistency Contest cool Coop Cope Copyright Corner Corners Corrupt Cosmic_Horror Cosowl-like Costume_Aiwana_Making_Contest Council_approved Crap Crash_Bandicoot Creation Creative Creepy Creepypasta Cricket Crimson CrimsonNeedle-Like cringe Crino Critters CROUCH CTF2.5 Cube Curry_Needle cursed Curve Customization Cute cutscene Cyber Cycle Cypher dakimakura Dandy Dang_it Daniel Dank Darkness Dark_Fantasy dark_needle DarudeSandstorm Dash Dating ddong_like Death_Grips Debug Decession-Like Decompile Decompiler Defiant-like degelock Delete Delicious_fruit Dementia Demo denFork Depression Desert_Bus Desert_Bus-like Desert_without_bus Despacito Destination dev_key Diagonal Dice Different_Ending Different_Engine Difficult Difficulty_Selection Difficulty_Spike Discord_Makers Dissapointed DLC DMCA Dog domu_2_game domu_avoidance domu_butterfly domu_collab domu_cringe domu_emperor domu_eyes domu_game domu_ice domu_ice_like domu_math domu_rng domu_skins domu_sleepschedule domu_the_meaning_of_life Domu_tower domu_wtf dont Dont_Move Dota_2 DotHitbox Dotkid Dotkit Double_invert double_plane douyin Do_Not_Stream Drawing Dream Dreamscape dross Dumbass Duncan durability e EarRape Easter Easy EasyMode EBB174MYFATHER Ecchi Eclipse-like edge-like edgelike Editor EdSheeran educational egg Electrodynamix Elephant Emperor empty_background EN23 Endless Endurance enemies Engine English English_Quiz Entrance Environment_Dependent Epic Epilepsy Epilepsy_Warning Eric Eris-like Error Error_Message Everywhere_at_the_end_of_time Evil ex15 exe Experience Experimental Exploration Extra Eye-pleasing F Fake Fake_news False_Advertising Family_Friendly fan Fangame FangameDungeon FangameMarathon Farlands FASF FASF2018 FASF2019 FASF2020 FASF2021 FASF2022 FASF2023 FAST FC Fear Feet FGM_2015 FGM_2016 FGM_2017 figure-like Fine_Art first_fangame fish Fishing FK_Coffee Flash floor Flow FM2020 FM_2018 FM_2019 FM_2020 FM_2021 FM_2022 FM_2023 FNAF Foot FOOTAGE Forensic Foreskin four_stages Frankie Freedom FreeTrigger_Users Frog FTFA-like FTFA_Like FUCK FUF FUMO Fun Fundament Funker Funnies Funny Furry Gacha gachiGasm Galaxy_Brain Gamblecore Gambling game Gameboy GameJam Gamemaker_studio Game_of_all_time Game_Pack Gaming Garbage-like Gate GateGate GateSpam Gate_jump Gay gb GB-like gBrain GDevelop Geezer GEEZERBEDOINGTHELAUNDRY Generic GENKI-like genshin Genshin_Impact Geometry_Dash get_help Gimick Gimmick gimmicks gimmick_needle Gimmik Glitch gms2 GMS_Engine GO God god!! Godlike Godmode Godot god_has_abandoned_us God_mode Goner_Game good GoodLaughsAbound Good_game Good_gameplay Good_Level_Design good_music Google gottem GOTT_IST_TOT Gradius Grandmaster Gravitron Gravity GravityFlip Great_Britain great_gameover_screen_music Grimmick Grind Guile Gumi Guy Guy_Mod Guy_Tower Hack Hades-like HahaFunnyGame Haha_Leehe Halloween Haloween Hand hand_warmer Haose_Music Happil Happil2 Happilious Happilous Happil_clone Hard HardMod HardMode Hardship Haystack HD he Head Healthbar Hell Hendeca-like Hendeca_Corner hennkid Heyan_Trap_Cup Hey_shitass HHGregg him Hitbox Hitcount Hitler HoF Hololive Holy_shit holy_shit_this_sucks Homer Hood horrible Horro Horror Horror? horror_background_image hosungryn_needle How HP hub hueta Humanly_Impossible Humanly_Maybe_Possible Humanly_Possible Humour Hyper_Sudoku i I'm_not_affraid IA Ice ice_vines Iconic Idea Identity Idle IDM IfeelGood IGMABE impact Impossible ImpossibleHappilous Inaction-like Incomplete Incredible Incremental infinite_jump Infinity-Jump Input_Delay Insane Insides Inspector_Gadget Invert Invisible_Maze Invisible_Mazes InvisiKid Isekai Is_Lesbian_Allowed_As_A_Tag? Italian Item Items its_a_watergate iwahha IWannaGameJamVol2 IWC IWCC3 IWGameJamVolume1 IWGameJamVolume2 IWM IWM-like IWT IWT2 izuminka I_am_so_confused I_Wanna_World_Championship I_want I_wish_you_can_understand Jail Japanese japanese_quiz japanese_quiz_boss Japanese_Storyteller Japes JC Jelly jimFace JingZun jiujiu_cup Joe John_Dalton-like John_Madden Jojo Joke Jongno Jortcunk Jtool Jtool_Makers Jumpking Jumpscare Jump_Refresher Jump_Refreshers Just Justice Justice-like Justrap JustTrap K2 K3 Kale Kamilia kamilia_room Katy_Perry Kawaii Kermiku Kermit Keyboard_Destroyer Killblock Killer_Cursor Killmouse Kinda_Sudoku Kinda_sus kittygame's_face Koishi_Komeiji Korean Kreygasm KROT K_Needle L-Game L-Needle Ladder Lag LapAround-like lap_around-like La_Mulana Leaderboards Lean Leek Legend Legendary LEMON Len Lesbian Lesbian_Seems_To_Be_Allowed levels LIMBO Lin Line_Needle Literally_Not_Sudoku Lizardmanmaster lmao Lmfao Logic_Puzzle lol Loli Long long-save long_save Lore Loss Lost_Forever Louis_Armstrong Love Lovelive LoveTrap LTG LTO5-like Luck lucky Lucky_Series Luka LUL L_Avoidance L_Barrage L_Game L_Needle Madonga Mad_Libs Magic_Tower Māksla Malicious Map marathon marble_madness Marco_Needle marcus Mario mario64_music Markiplier Mash Mashing Master Mastermaxify Masterpiece Math Mathematics Mayumushi Maze McDonalds Mechanic Mechanical_Challenge Mechanics Medely Medley Medley-like Medley? medley_but_epic Medly meedle Megaman megaman-like megaman_enemy_spam Melanzana mem Meme MEMES Mental_Challenge Meowbahh Merzbow Meta metal_slug Meteor_Stream-like metroidvania middle-save MIDI Miki_Hoshii Mīkla Miku Miku? Milk million_gatejump Mindbreak Minecraft Mine_Sweeper Mini Mini-game mini-spikes MiniF Minigame minigames MiruWana Misleading_Title Mixbag MLP Mobile Moblie Mod Mokuteki moleYo moment_of_silence Monopoly moomooplsupdatenage Morbius More_than_you_thought mostExpensive Mouse mouse_controls Mr.beast MrBeast MrKrabsTrapRemix MSR Multiplayer Multiple_Characters Multiple_Endings Mushroom Music Mystery my_heart_will_go_on NAFM2018 nailou_like Nals_Vengeance NANG narration Narrator Nasrano-like Neddle Need Neede NeedIe Needle Needle. Needle? NeedleButterfly-like Needledance NeedleGimmick Needleish needleventure needle_intermission Needlle Needwe need_to_cancel Neegle Neeld Neelde Neon Neru NES NFL NO NoBitches? NoBoss NoCoding noesis-boss-like Noesis-Like noesis_like NoEyes NoFace Nogard_Assistance nokia NoLevel NoMusic Nonstandard-Resolution nonstandard_physics Nose nosense NOT not-a-goner-game not-FTFA-like not-not-not-FTFA-like Nothing Not_Avoidance not_a_fangame Not_a_Medley Not_Beginner_Friendly not_impossible_but_cmon Not_Joking Not_L_Game Not_Nasrano-like NOT_PORN Not_Short Not_Uhuhu_Needle not_visual_challange no_boss no_bugs No_Dies NO_extra no_longer_racist No_Music No_save No_Saveblockers no_save_blockers no_spikes NSFW NSFW(maybe) NSFW_link NSWF Nuclear_Throne oceanwetventure_game OFCOURSETHISGAMEISTRAP Ohio oil_clicker Okay Old Old_School Olives Olympic one One-Jump OneJump Onelife Oneofthose One_jump one_of_those one_room one_screen Onilne Online OnlineMinigameSpecial onlline Open Openarea OpenWorld Opportunity Orange Orbit Origin Original otto OUTBREAK Outline Outsides Owata p00ks_clone pacman Papillon Parachute Party Party_Game party_rock pastebin_game Pathing Pathing_Puzzle Pattern PD_Series Peak Penalty Penis Perfect Perfection PHIGHTING physical Piano Pikachu Pīļu_Dīķī Pīļu_Dīķī? Pinball pixology pizzatower Place_your_bets_please Plane Platform Platforming Platform_God Platform_Jumps playful Plot Plot_twist Plunderphonics PNG PogChamp Poggers Pokemon Poolrooms poop Possible Post-Sudoku Powerpoint PP_(maker) Practice Praise_Jesus pray_god Precise Precision precision_needle precision_pattern_avoidance Prepare_The_Death Pretty Private Prize Procedural_Generation production_value Proof_of_Concept pseudo-FTFA Pseudo_Medley psychedelic Psychological_Horror PTSD_game punishment_room Pure pure-needle Puzze Puzzle Puzzles P_(maker) P_Game Quadruple_Jump Quest Quiz Race Racing Racist Radio Rage_Gamer Rainbow Rainbows raisin Random Randomiser Randomized Randomizer randrandrand-like Rat Real_Facts redpiano regret relax Remake Remaster Remix Replayable Required_secrets retro reverse_controls RFR4 Rhythm riddle Riddle_Puzzle Rin RNG RNG_Paltforming RNG_Platforming ROBLOX ROBR rofls Roguelike Rolling Rose_Gear_Guy RPG RPGMaker Ruined Rukito-like RukitoName-like Rukito_like rus Russia Russian RWJ_needle s S-Stage Saaketh Sacred Sad Sad_Bear_Man Sad_Times Salt-like Sandstorm sans sapphic Saul_Goodman Save_jump Scary Scary_Clown_Game Score SCP Scratch screamer screen Script Scripts scrolling_grid Secret Secret Long Secrets SecretWay Secret_Santa Secret_Santa_2022 Secret_Santa_2023 SeizureWarning Separated_Double_Invert Sequel Series Setup Sexy sfw SGGK shadowy_dong Shame Shapeshifter-like She_Can_Say_It Shield ShiftEngine shmup Shop Short ShortRoom Shortventure Shortventure2018 Shortventure2023 Shortventure_2017 Shortventure_2018 showcase Shungite si Sideways_Gravity Sideway_Gravity Simple Skeleton Skibidi_Toilet Skins slop Slow Small small-jump small-room-needle Smile SMR3 smw Social_Commentary Sodoku Soduku Softlock Softlockable Solar_system_series Solitaire sonic Soulless SoulPls Soul_Draining SourPls SourPlz Spam Special Sphere Spherical_projection Spike spike_centric Spiritual Spiritual_Journey SPM Spongebob Spooky Spotlight Square_Hitbox SShhaakkee-like Stage StageRush Stages stage_rush Stay_Away_From_Drugs Steak Steak-like Steam STG Stop Story Stream_of_consciousness Stumble-Like Stupid Stupid_bitch. sublime-like Sudoku Sudoku? sudokucore suffering sunpossible Sunspike Sunspike-like Super_F Surprise surreal Sustenance-like Syobon_Action T.R.A.S.H. Taisa Takahashi Take-the-L-like Talking Tamatou TAS Temple temporal_mirror TERRIBLE Test Tethys-like Teto Thanks Thanksgiving The TheBoys Themed TherapyNeedle TheresNoWay they/them The_maker_is_a_genius The_Peanuts_Movie The_Water the_world_hardest_game Think three_stages Tie-In TM2 Tomo tomodati-like TongXinyuan_Cup Tool Tools Top_Five Totally_Not_Sudoku Touhou Tournament Tower_Defense Tradegy TradingCards Train Tralexium transgender Trap Traps Trash Trials Tribute Trick Trigger Trigger. Triggers TriggerWarning Trilogy_Finale Triple_Jump Trixie_Lulamoon_Reference Troll Trollface Trollnel Troll_Boss Troll_Math Troll_Save True turnip Tutorial Twenty-Seven-Like Twigger Twitch ua UFO Ugly Uh uhuhu Uhuhu_like Uhuhu_Needle Una Unbalanced Unbased Undertale undownloadable unfinish unfinished Unique Unity Unoriginal Upgrades Utaai_Yuki v2 Variety venezuela Very_Colorful_Wao very_facts Very_Long very_short very_true video_game Vine Vines Visual-Challenge Visual-Challenge-ish VisualChallenge Visual_ASMR Visual_Challange Visual_Challenge visual_experience Visual_Medley Visual_Novel Visual_Pleasure Vlad_U.S. Vocaloid voice voiceroid Void Volume_Warning Vore VVVVV VVVVVV Wacky Waiting Walljump Wanna_see_me_needle? wantcore want_like Wario WarioWare Warped Washing_Machine Wasteofyourtime Watch Water water-vine water-vine-platform water1 Water_Needle Water_Vine_Platform Weapon_System Weebs Weird Weirdcore Well_legend_legend what why Why? wibeo_gameb WiFi WigglyGuy Wind Windows_7 Window_Pong Winter-king-like wonderful Wonderful_music Work_of_art World wow WTF WTF!!! W_Needle x-Floor x-mas XD xmas xOWOx_series x_Floor x_Floors Yakisoban Yaoi Yassan(21) yayayayay Yayoi_Takatsuki Yeah yee yellowstar-like yep yep-like yep_game YES YesEyes Yoshi YoSniper_contest_2014 YoSniper_contest_2015 YoSniper_contest_2016 YourMom youtube youtuber YOU_CANNOT_TURN_OFF_MUSIC YTP YTPMV Yumenikki YUMP Yuno Yup Yuru_Yuri_Game Zajmictrliproidiavoid zalupa_kentavra zero-jump-water Zeus-like Z_Series _x0o0x_ _Xp_(maker) Σ(・□・;) Бахац_Ки братва Братишка дизмораль дрочильня Иди Йеп Майор мойся Пельмень под Подводная рационале Слон струю сука фартовый Я_РУССКИЙ ∇2-like ⭕ ゴミ 三汉字 六汉字 卑劣なツール 啊米浴说的道理 国产坑向现状 施耐庵 水浒 流量密码 触ったら逮捕 音MAD 정선우-like

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 30 30
Jul 2, 2024
Only cleared normal, I don't think I would like to stick around for longer with these graphics.

Not sure if I'll try the SSS diff, but given the screenshot, I think I'll pass.

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Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.7 17       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 27, 2022
Rating based on SSS difficulty,

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Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 6, 2020
The game is nothing special. A few screens of easy needle.

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[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 10 10
Jul 25, 2018

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[0] Likes
Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 25 25
Feb 21, 2016