I wanna Sell Door

Creators: Nikaple, sunlaoqq, kartoro

Average Rating
7.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
49.0 / 100
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Trap (1) Gimmick (3) Puzzle (5)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Anonymous
  • by Xplayerlol

9 Reviews:

After 8 years of restless waiting, thank you so much for removing Internet Check. I've always wanted to experience this gem fully myself, but never managed to defeat the intro boss. I am eternally indebted to you.
God Bless.

Mods, update the DL link.

P.S. - There is a glitch near the end of the game, where the room screen doesn't resize itself properly (after the mini-avoidance), making it difficult to reach the save nearby. Fortunately it is still possible to reach by memorizing the room. If by any chance any of the developers see this, I'd like to ask for a fix. Much obliged! :*

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Tagged as: Puzzle
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 65 65
Feb 23, 2021
Nice fangame with some interesting ideas and some awful design flaws that heavily draw it back. There are three stages. The first one is a heavy puzzle stage where you have to find ways of killing your character at each screen. Most puzzles are quite clever, but some feel really random and uncreative, like the one with small blue tiles or the one where you just have to keep walking right for a couple seconds. The second stage is also a puzzle-heavy stage, but this time, your task is to collect coins to unlock doors. You can't jump or move while you're falling, but you can use ladders to move around and press X to destroy the floor (It'll regenerate itself after a couple seconds). There are also some traps this time, mostly funny ones, and even traps that are part of the puzzle. There isn't any uncreative puzzle at this stage, but the floor takes way too long to regenerate, which makes most screens really slow-paced and boring, and ends up making the platforming a lot more annoying than it should be, specially when there are traps involved. The third stage is a simple trap stage. There's a fair share of traps involved and most are funny. There's also a nice time stopping gimmick involved. I enjoyed it. This is also the only stage with a remarkable boss (The first stage's boss seems like just another puzzle room, and the second stage's boss is a joke boss). It's decent.
I really liked the puzzles, but I can't really say I enjoyed it for the most part. Would still recommend, probably.

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Tagged as: Trap Gimmick Puzzle
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 10, 2016
Good tournament adventure game
but i have same issue Amatuer noticed.

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Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Feb 23, 2021
I really liked the creativity in this game. Sometimes design could be better, but I feel like the humor and zaniness of the game makes up for it for the most part. Definitely enjoyed

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 47 47
Jan 26, 2021
Sell Door is a 3-stage long puzzle game with some fun ideas behind it, such as collecting clocks to stop time and freeze cycles, or desperately trying to find a spike to throw yourself onto in a room that's seemingly empty of hazards.

Some of the puzzles can be a little questionable, with some thinking out of the box being a must. Whilst the puzzle gimmick in the second stage is pretty cool and allows for some interesting thinking, I didn't really enjoy it as much as the others. The first stage of the game had a good balance of humour and puzzling which was the main takeaway from the game for me, and it even features a wolfieAbort in every room as a reminder of the possibilities when playing fangames.

Overall an enjoyable puzzle game. Be prepared for a little bit of galaxy braining though.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Puzzle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 30, 2019