I wanna kill the Creator (canceled)

Creator: Junior Nintendista

Average Rating
4.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
35.0 / 100
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Needle (2) Medley (2)


  • by Junior_Nintendista
  • by Dissent
  • by Junior_Nintendista
  • by Junior_Nintendista
  • by Dissent
  • by Junior_Nintendista
  • by Junior_Nintendista
  • by Dissent

6 Reviews:

It is pretty funny to think about how this game was pretty decent just ONE beta version back. Junior was like; "Man, I gotta release this game, lemme undo all the work of the testers and coproducers real quick." A lot of the good buffs, nerfs and changes were discarded and altered making screens like TsuTaMao and Fallen Flower pretty damn stupid to play through. I also heard that 1framing for some reason isn't possible anymore for reasons I cannot explain. This is just another below mediocre medley game.

I would not recommend to play this one. Just skip it.

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Tagged as: Needle Medley
[3] Likes
Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 19, 2016
One of those unfinished medley games. Most of the screen picks are just buffed needle screens. The minimal screen in particular was pretty unfun. There are no bosses either.

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Tagged as: Needle Medley
[1] Like
Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 17, 2016
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 12, 2016
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 25, 2016
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 18, 2016