I wanna Twist and Turn

Creator: AlexBrogan

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.4 / 100
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Needle (12) Short (2) Maze (1) Vines (2) Pathing (2) Pathing_Puzzle (1)


  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe

38 Reviews:

A fantastic needle game that is made up of a single stage that spans multiple screens creating a needle maze of sorts. The route of the player loops and crosses through the screens through the use of creative level design and interesting non-generic jumps. Through the use of vines and platform jumps, the player must figure out the viable path forward, and with all of the screen transitioning, there are no cheap transitional ganks.

The production is great. The visuals come off looking good, and the selected music fits the visual theme and creates a great ambience to the game. The maker also had the foresight to come up with some other intuitive ideas to help reduce the confusion a bit considering the layout. Save points grey out and become unusable once a segment is to complete to prevent accidental saving if the player mistakenly travels into a previous used path not realizing it. Save points always allow the player to save in front of the jumps, even if the save and the first jump are on different screens. The collective a little things show that despite a convoluted and cryptic level design, a lot of thought went in to making the game stay enjoyable.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Jun 24, 2016
Really cleverly designed needle. Twist and Turn consists of a number of screens all connected to one another, heavily interlaced with spikes, vines and platforms. The charm in this game lies heavily in the layout and design. I often found myself finishing a save, and having to take a moment to figure out where I was meant to go next. This kind of thing has the potential to be confusing, but it's done in a pretty comforting way that helps you on your way without too much confusion, not to mention that saves you've already accessed will be greyed out, indicating the true way forward. The overall difficulty felt pretty challenging at times but remained fair throughout.

Would strongly recommend if you're a fan of cleverly designed needle, with plenty of vines and platforms thrown in here and there. Would look forward to another game of this style!

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 25, 2016
Good game, the most impressive part is the path, very clever with some interesting use of jump refreshers. But too much saves have some tedious jump at the end, and the fact that there is no way to see the whole maze like in qoqoqo 2 with a provided map, or a button to zoom out like in arzztt games make sometimes the path a pain to see. Also, some saves are so long, making it harder than what it looks.
It's a good game, I just don't really understand why this very high rating, especially when many games improved the concept and have a lower or a similar rating.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Jan 4, 2020
Cool game centered around pathing, which is great. It's very short and the platforming is nothing crazy, but it's still fun and any pathing maze like this is gonna be impressive from a design perspective.

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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 51 51
Jul 17, 2024
A cute needle game that uses vines and jump refreshers to create some cool pathing. There are a lot of really interesting maneuvers that were fun to figure out and execute. The game flows quite well, and each save feels like something new. Overall, a good little game that's an easy recommendation.

...That's my review for every save until the final one. The final save is a massive difficulty spike, and also has some of the most boring and awkward jumps in the entire game. This save alone was enough to greatly curtail my enjoyment, and make me think less of the game as a whole.

I would absolutely recommend this game if you have the strength of will to stop one save before the end. If you don't, it's probably still a recommendation, but it's a lot more tentative.

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Tagged as: Needle Pathing
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 21, 2023