3 Reviews:
Platforming was very debatable, but i'm actually quite enjoyed Big Guy boss, end of the fight is dinamic and cool, the only complaint is boring first half of the fight
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Rating: 5.3 53
Difficulty: 48 48
Apr 8, 2022
One of the older and more unknown 炎の紋章 (Burning Emblum), which as well as his other games, now all are private, however in the same time this game was available on Japanese wiki on 2013. Also this game appears in intro of I wanna be the Fire crest inside person , which was made for him. Also, even though I don't know who Liquid was, I guess he was one of the more skilled players back then, and I guess this game was made for him? Anyway, let's go to actual gameplay!
Game has several screens of differently designed trap gameplay. Stage designs changes really fast, you will start from I wanna be the Guy screen, then snow stage, water stage, lava stage and etc. It involves snow gimmicks, unusual timers and other stuff. Visually game looks pretty OK and I don't have much complains about it, however gameplay and traps are pretty atrocious and very unfun. And all the time you have to listen to restarting guy rock. Mostly I disliked platforming, however that was only sweet part of the game...
For the boss we have BigKid-like boss. Now it is Guy boss and you have to survive while jumping from one his bullet to another. However gameplay now is as atrocious as everything else. Standart Megaman tileset and soundtrack, boss, which buffs over time adding more bouncing red fruits, falling spikes, but bullets get faster and less over time. Boss has a lot of HP (I guess around 100), but at the end it gets very tough to survive. I was really annoyed from this boss, and it is much harder than everything else in this game.
Overall, game had some potentially good ideas, but everything is so poorly and badly done and everything is so unfun, that game looks even worse than it actually is. I played it just because I was curious what it actually was, and didn't find anything worse to look at. Just skip this game, even if you have access to it. Wouldn't recommend.
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Game has several screens of differently designed trap gameplay. Stage designs changes really fast, you will start from I wanna be the Guy screen, then snow stage, water stage, lava stage and etc. It involves snow gimmicks, unusual timers and other stuff. Visually game looks pretty OK and I don't have much complains about it, however gameplay and traps are pretty atrocious and very unfun. And all the time you have to listen to restarting guy rock. Mostly I disliked platforming, however that was only sweet part of the game...
For the boss we have BigKid-like boss. Now it is Guy boss and you have to survive while jumping from one his bullet to another. However gameplay now is as atrocious as everything else. Standart Megaman tileset and soundtrack, boss, which buffs over time adding more bouncing red fruits, falling spikes, but bullets get faster and less over time. Boss has a lot of HP (I guess around 100), but at the end it gets very tough to survive. I was really annoyed from this boss, and it is much harder than everything else in this game.
Overall, game had some potentially good ideas, but everything is so poorly and badly done and everything is so unfun, that game looks even worse than it actually is. I played it just because I was curious what it actually was, and didn't find anything worse to look at. Just skip this game, even if you have access to it. Wouldn't recommend.
Rating: 3.3 33
Difficulty: 46 46
Aug 9, 2019