4 Reviews:
A decidedly okay needle game. I felt like it got worse as time went on - the start was more interesting and the second to last area felt like it was just one very precise jump with a bunch of filler around it.
Finally, it ends in a cliche one-jump per room section which while not difficult compared to the rest of the game had no logical difficulty curve, felt all over the place and did the usual mistake of requiring the player to walk across half a room first for no apparent reason.
Sheep makes some creative jumps, and it shows here, but creative isn't always that interesting.
Finally, it ends in a cliche one-jump per room section which while not difficult compared to the rest of the game had no logical difficulty curve, felt all over the place and did the usual mistake of requiring the player to walk across half a room first for no apparent reason.
Sheep makes some creative jumps, and it shows here, but creative isn't always that interesting.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.7 57
Difficulty: 65 65
Jul 17, 2018