I wanna be the lapis lazuli

Creator: マリマリオ

Average Rating
5.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
47.8 / 100
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Avoidance (4)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

7 Reviews:

One of the later Marimario avoidance games, which was deleted somewhere in May or June 2019, when Marimario deleted most of his games. To be honest, I expected avoidance like I wanna Romanesque, however it is not the case. This avoidance is much harder and, in my opinion, a little bit worse. It is a little bit less than 3 minutes long, and uses, I guess, some anime soundtrack or something like that. Avoidance is both RNG and pattern heavy, however I guess there is more RNG than patterns. In my opinion, the first hald of avoidance is the most problematic one, since it has several random attacks, which are hard to react to. It is hard to rate difficulty of RNG attacks of 2nd half of avoidance, since I luckily first-tried last 70 seconds of avoidance, but it felt quite tough to read and react. Visuals are OK, however nothing too special, in my opinion. Soundtrack itself I quite disliked, even though it wasn't terrible or something like that. Attack design I liked, however some attacks annoyed me, since some of those were quite unfair. I would recommend to watch clear video of someone's and only then decide whether of playing this game or no. Don't have much more to say about this avoidance, that just don't wait too much from it. Would recommend if you are really into avoidances and if you are upper-beginner player.

Edit: Actually forgot to mention that good thing in this avoidance is synchronisation of music and FPS of the game, which means that if you have small lags, then music will also lag, which means that music and visuals are synchronised together, and that is a good thing, because many games doesn't have it, sadly.

Edit 2: By the way I was told, that it isn't an anime soundtrack, but original soundtrack. Link to it if someone is interested: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCs38Rputs[/url].

Edit 3 (30/12/2023) :
I have re-beaten this avoidance and oh boy, this was annoying as hell.

I originally gave 6.5 and 46, now I think it completely different.

This time this avoidance took me twice as much, and I died to almost every attack, including post-finale. This avoidance is very badly balanced, it has potential, but once you get until 2nd water attack, you realize that everything is ruined. From 2nd water attack balance is really terrible. Water attack itself is fine, but then you have attack on which it is very hard to react, then white fruits which do not give enough time to react and last chorus is just a madness. You really have to pray to not get bad RNG and to stand on save-spot on post-finale to not die.

And once you play more and more, you will notice that bad RNG happens on first part as well.

This avoidance had potential, but it is just ruined. And it is much harder than I initially thought. Once again, I was very lucky 4 years ago.

Absolutely would not recommend!

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 4.1 41       Difficulty: 54 54
Jul 23, 2019
avoidance is ok, but last attack is quit annoying

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 51 51
Jul 10, 2023

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Oct 8, 2017
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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 51 51
Nov 11, 2022
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 26, 2024