21 Reviews:
Substandard floor game. Incredibly bland design, pointless skippable sections and floaty difficulty curve (An impressive accomplishment for a floor game of this difficulty level) make it one of the least interesting floor games ever made. It also uses the same tileset (One that doesn't look particularly good, anyway) from the beginning to the end, changing colors every now and them, but often recycling colors. The bosses are kinda interesting, except for the first and the last one, but not worth playing for at all.
It's as poorly made as floor games get. Wouldn't recommend.
It's as poorly made as floor games get. Wouldn't recommend.
Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 2.6 26
Difficulty: 15 15
May 20, 2017
Pretty Generic Easy Needle Game With A Few Bosses, Generally I Did Not Have Any Issues With It, Great For Beginners
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 20 20
Apr 15, 2017
It's 100 floor of super easy platforming with some generic apple bosses sprinkled in every 25 floors. It's a good game for new players maybe, but there's a lot of other easy 100 floor games that come off looking a lot better than this one.
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Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 20 20
Dec 6, 2016