20 Reviews:
I do think this save is good, but oh my god it is insanely frustrating. To get to the good first, long saves are pretty fun by default, so that's a plus, and I have no issues with the Orange, Yellow, and Pink sections. Now for the others, Purple is fun but it's so much harder than the rest it's insane, it carries the difficulty so hard. Red is extremely tedious and has a lot of annoying jumps. Blue is mostly cool but it has a bunch of annoying jumps at the start which boil down to "get the right jump height" and Green is super annoying and has a ton of jumps I hate, although I can't pinpoint why exactly I hate them. I do overall enjoy this game, but it's one of the most frustrating needle saves I've ever played and a large part of that is me getting very unlucky, but also the save could benefit from more interesting jumps and much better difficulty balance.
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 90 90
May 9, 2023
Why is purple
It's fun other than red and purple but why is purple so hard it really ruined the save for me
It's fun other than red and purple but why is purple so hard it really ruined the save for me
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 93 93
May 8, 2023
Based on Practice clear. Doubt i will go for True clear, it seems pretty unfun, because hardest segments placed closer to the end. I also fucking hate how camera moves here
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 6, 2022
Hard, but not as crazy as it's made out to be sometimes. Yellow is a tiny bit inconsistent and awkward to move through, and there's a one messed-up jump in purple. Otherwise, it's one of the few games of this difficulty I genuinely enjoyed playing.
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 87 87
Sep 29, 2021