60 Reviews:
It's pretty nothing beginner needle. Super forgettable. There are some screen spanning saves which are cool, but also some awkward screen transition deaths because of it.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 27 27
Apr 13, 2024
Fairly decent needle game, but there are issues regarding save balancing.
There are a few saves significantly harder than others and this is apparent in the middle of the game. This is amplified by the fact they are noticeable from a mile away. I am also bogging down the score because of the bad screen transitions/blind jumps (for the love of god please do not do this).
As a whole, this game is just okay. Nothing too special or noteworthy, but it is dragged down by questionable balancing and bad transitions.
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There are a few saves significantly harder than others and this is apparent in the middle of the game. This is amplified by the fact they are noticeable from a mile away. I am also bogging down the score because of the bad screen transitions/blind jumps (for the love of god please do not do this).
As a whole, this game is just okay. Nothing too special or noteworthy, but it is dragged down by questionable balancing and bad transitions.
Rating: 4.6 46
Difficulty: 24 24
Sep 21, 2023
Screen-transition jumps are awful. The rest is fairly decent beginner needle outside of a few egregious difficulty spikes. Average at best.
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Rating: 5.2 52
Difficulty: 24 24
Sep 21, 2023
the vibe and textures remind me of the game Crush The Castle but if it was in space
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 14, 2023