Best bye to 2016

Creators: Koyuyu, Nihil

Average Rating
7.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.6 / 100
Novice Challenge
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Needle (7) Avoidance (8) Collab (1)


by Nihil

20 Reviews:

(The creators say the difficuty is 60 so I rate it)
Fantastic needle + avoidance game. Needle stages have nice visuals,beautiful music and good difficulty curve.
I would also recommend the game for the avoidance. The BGM is a famous medley which combines Touhou characters' song, and surprisingly, most attacks are coordinate with that part of music's 'owner'.
This game was released in The new year's Eve. Hope there will be more and more great fangames in Chinese community in the new year. ^・ω・^
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
[5] Likes
Rating: 8.0       Difficulty: 60
Jan 28, 2017
Rating based on Medium mode.

Some needle made by Koyuyu, followed by an avoidance by Nihil.
The needle is alright for the most part, but it doesn't have much to make it very interesting. The main thing working in its favor is the pathing through the screens, but the jumps you encounter along the way aren't really interesting. I will admit that it does get better as the game goes on, but that also coincides with a larger amount of balance issues and fulljumps, so if you have problems with those, then you won't have a fun time with this game. Reveal Spoiler
Then the avoidance happens, with the song "Bad Apple!!" coupled with a Touhou piano medley. It's definitely more interesting than the needle, but the problem is the amount of insta-gibs in the fight. Luckily, it mostly stops being a problem after the first chorus, so you don't need to worry about that after that point.
Overall, this game doesn't have much going for it, nor much going against it either. This makes it incredibly difficult to rate correctly, but the thing that pushed this rating over the edge toward a 4 was—you guessed it—Nikaple engine. Even besides the obvious input lag, I was really frustrated trying to get the game to record properly without inconveniently slowing down.

I realize I might just be acting very harsh with this rating, but maybe it's just because this style of needle isn't for me. If this style entertains you more, then you'll like it more than I did, but yeah, I didn't really get much out of this game.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Collab
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Rating: 4.0       Difficulty: 50
Jul 8, 2024
this game is unbalanced
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 2, 2024
Вроде неплохая игра, но местами нет музыки, а дизайн уровней такой себе. С другой же стороны секции с шипами иногда весьма оригинальные. По крайне мене лично для меня. Пройти можно разве что если сильно чем-то заинтересовала. В конце авоидэнс. Полу патерн полу рандом, что тут еще скажешь. По началу думал, что займет определенное время и уже был готов повысить сложность в обзоре, но после первой половины почти ничего не происходит и атаки очень легкие. Баланс отсутствует. Сами атаки сделаны неплохо: они запоминаются и имеют интересные спец эффекты или анимации, но большего сказать не могу.
В сухом остатке у нас почти самый обычный нидл, у которого в конце зрелищный, но несбалансированный и скучный авойд.
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 6.3       Difficulty: 55
Jun 8, 2023
Rating based on needle clear only.
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Rating: 6.0       Difficulty: 50
Dec 24, 2022